Chapter Six

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Definitions at the bottom.

"My mother and stepfather were Vikings. Father was a wealthy landowner in Norway. One year a plague decimated the town they lived in. My older half-sister Freya died. They and my two half-brothers Finn and Elijah moved to the new world. The Vikings discovered the Americas long before Christopher Columbus", Ella explained at their confused looks.

"They lived in a village where true children of the moon or werewolves live. They had moved to the new world as there were fewer people they could hurt. Like you, they inherited the werewolf gene from their parents. But unlike your kind, it activated when they killed another. It was a curse meant to punish". Ella stood up and walked towards the fire. She turned her back to the group and warmed her hands over the open flames.

"My mother, she fell in love with one of these werewolves and thus my twin, Niklaus and I were born. But my mother feared what her husband a season Viking warrior would do when he found out about her affair. So she went back to him and convinced him we were his. They had three more children together, Kol, Rebekah and Henrik. We lived in peace for nearly two whole decades. One day Nik and Henrik snuck out. They had wanted to see the werewolves then selves. The next morning Henrik was dead". A single tear ran down her face. Wiping it away she turned to face them.

"My mother was a witch. She and my step-father fearing the loss of more of their children decided that remove our mortality was the only way to keep us safe. My mother used dark magic to make us immortal. We drank wine laced with blood and as we slept my stepfather killed us. When we awoke he forced us to drink the blood of a villager. My siblings and I found that sunlight burned us, so my mother enchanted rings so we could walk in the sun. The only thing that can kill us was the wooden stake from an ancient white oak tree. My siblings when they found out burned it down. But with our new life came a curse, we thirsted for human blood. When my brother made his first kill he triggered his wolf gene. My mother fearing what she had created cast a curse on us blocking us from our other half. I never felt the power of being a hybrid but my brother has searched for a way to break the curse for centuries. Indirectly it is the story of how I was cursed again 147 years ago".

Ella sat back down on the couch in front of the three shapeshifters.

"Any questions", she asked.

"How old are you", Jacob asked cautiously.

"I am of dizzying age" she responded with a smile.

"you were cursed over a hundred ago. You met with the Volturi at the beginning of the 19th century. Your what, like three hundred years old", questioned Leah.

"Not even close, but since your so curious My siblings and I were turned in the year of 1001 AD", Ella replied.

Seth's eyes went wide with shock. his imprint was just over a thousand years old.

"Is he alright. He looks as if he is about to faint", asked Ella, standing up and walking closer.

"I'm not gonna faint", insisted Seth.

"You did not expect me to be so old, yes", said Ella.

"N-o I-I mean um", Seth replied.

"I'm sorry about my brother", said Leah

"No, it fine. Quite adorable to be honest", answered Ella. "Though I must ask your ages, payment for knowing mine", she continued with a smile.

"I'm 25", said Leah, pointing to Jacob she said he's 21 and my brother is 19".

Ella tipped her head to the side, "The boys look older than how old they are. How", she asked.

"When we phase for the first time we get taller and more muscular", replied Jacob.

"How interesting".

"You mentioned before that you were the alpha one of the wolf packs", said Ella.

"There is another pack and their alpha is Sam, the wolf in the cave", replied Jacob.

Why are there two packs if you don't mind me asking".

"We had a disagreement over an issue and we split a few years ago", answered Jacob.

"The world is full of disagreements don't you agree. My siblings and I have had the most terrible fights over the centuries but even after a decade of discontent with each other we always made up. I observe that your two packs are the same. You have had a fight and broken away but made up and still continue to work together", said Ella.

"We would like to invite you to a bonfire the packs have together, to introduce yourself and your kind to ours", said Jacob.

"It would be a pleasure to come"...

Word definitions                                                                                                                                                            dizzying age: very old

Authors note

Hi all this chapter is a little shorter but I felt this was the best place to finish it. Up next the bonfire and imprint story. Will Ella find out about her bond to Seth and will the packs find out more about her curse? 

As always thanks for reading any suggestions are welcome, also my proofreading is really bad don't be afraid to point out any errors and I will fix them.

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