chapter five

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Peter's pov.
I'm getting adopted. I'm happy and kinda worried. If I'm gonna live with the avengers and there after spiderman and that's who I am. Then I realized. They'd probably just return me here after they hang out with me for a bit. I sighed as I packed my things. I put Just books, papers, schoolstuff and things that used to belong to aunt may and ben.
Walking down the stairs to the adoption room I saw Mr. And mr. rodgers stark waiting.
"Hey pete." Rodgers said softly.
I chuckled quietly. They even got a nick name for me.
"Hi." I said walking twords them.
"You ready?" Tony asked.
I nodded them they lead me to the car. A damn nice one. A red McLaren. Jeez this is awkward. I'm blushing dark crimson as I went inside the car.
"Okay final stop, stark- avengers tower." Tony corrected himself making steve lightly laugh before driving.

Timeskip to avengers tower.

We were in the elevator. I was about to meet the avengers as peter parker not spiderman. Oh jeez. Okay pete stay cal-
Time slowed down as my eyes narrowed. I didn't have time to calm down! Shut, shut shut! The elevator door was half way to opening fully.
The avengers were scattered.
Natasha, winter soldier, ant man and falcon were watching tv.
Thor and Clint were fighting in the kitchen.
Wanda pepper and Bruce were talking.
"Hello?!" Tony gathered there attention.
"Remember how I told you we were adopting a son. This is peter!" He lightly pushed me forward. They all gathered around introducing themselves. So I have an aunt tasha(nat) Wanda and pepper with uncle Clint, Bruce, thor, Sam, nicky and Scott. Man I have a pretty big family.
"Bruce." Tony said. "You know that 500 page book of exploring radiation? This kid is reading it on his free time, hes on page 467. He said hes read many more."

Bruce's eyes expanded and went to me.
"And you understood?"
I was blushing so much I couldn't speak so I nodded.
"Yay another science bro!" Tony was happy.
"Yay another nerd." Clint joked gaining a glare from tony.
"I'll show the kid around the tower now." Tony said.
He held out a hand and I took it as he loaded me away from the group one floor down.
"Okay kid, this is your room." He found me a large room with a huge bed. One wall was just windows and there was a flat screen tv in front of the bed a closet and two tables next to the bed. I gaped at the room.
"Okay petey I need to show you one more thing." He lead me to the room next to it. A huge laboratory!
"Your own lab."
"R-really?!" I was overjoyed to have my own lab. Wait is there cameras? I'm gonna have to check that.
"Do you like it?" He asked.
I quickly nodded.
He chuckled, okay then. I'll call you when dinners ready." He was about to leave but I ask,
"Is there any cameras in here."
Totally befuddled by the question he said,
"No, I respect a scientists secrecy. But if you need any help with anything at all. im here." He said before leaving.
Okay so I got a laboratory. Nice I can try to work on an actual high tech suit. But i need to make sure it has no trace of any object or material made by stark industries. I need to draw out a diagram and ideas of what the suit will have.
30 minutes later.

Mr.parker dinner is ready. Jarvis said.
Cool, an ai!
"Thanks Jarvis, and please call me peter." I said taking the elevator downstairs.
Ofcourse peter. Jarvis said.
I walked to the dining table.

Time skip.
At dinner I learned more about everyone, there powers, abilities, family. did i say abilities? Well any way we were all sitting on the couch watching tv when I realized I have to patrol so I said I was tired and quietly went to the lab to hack Jarvis security cameras to make it look like I was in bed before changing in my sewn spider suit exiting out the window.

Sorry that paragraph was a little rushed...

I swing from building to building. This is the night I have to battle nat and Wanda. I stopped at the top of a random building when I heard a scream. I ran twords it. It might be a trap. But either way, I need to help them. I looked into an alley way only to see darkness.
Note, put night vision on suit.
I slowly walked in to see a street light flicker on.

I felt cold liquid soothe through the bottom of my feet. I looked down. There was a a man with bullet holes pierced through him. Purple bruises and cuts by swords trailing through his pale skin. I flinched back. Only to hit something.... or someone..
I slightly stumbled forward.
I felt my hairs stand on end as I was pushed on the wall. I looked at the man. He was wearing a red and black leather suit.
We both stared eachother for a minute before I asked.
"Who are you?"
He stared me for a moment before giving a little laugh saying,
"I'm deadpool."
"U-um n-nice to meet you.." I said nervously. "Did you kill him."
"Oh, he rapes children, well used to any way." Deadpool removed his hands from the sides of my head. "Hey, spidey do you wanna have dinner with me on that roof."
"U-um okay..?..."

Thank you for reading this chapter!

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