Chapter 10: A Helping Hand

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4:30 am, Bangalore-Goa Highway.

How? How could she be so careless?! I had warned her! I had warned her not to run! Obviously, she didn't listen! She's just so obstinate! What if something had happened to her? Making a run for it when she had no money, at 4:00 in the morning, when it's still pitch dark is the dumbest move she could have made! I had threatened to tie her up just to frighten her, but looks like she'll actually drive me to it! At least she'd be safe that way and no harm would come to her!

I looked at Nandini walking submissively beside me. She had a neutral expression on her face but I knew she wasn't over the incident completely. Was I too tough on her? Maybe I should have helped her sooner! No! She had to be taught to fend for herself! After all when I'm not around to watch over her, what will she do then?

Manik, what are you thinking?! You're not her personal bodyguard! She's your abductee! You just need her to get the recording from the Singhanias! You've probably already convinced Mukesh Singhania to make the trade. It's just a matter of a few days...after that you'll never see her again.

Why did this sadden me so much?

When we finally reached our table at the dhaba and took our seats, I was determined to give her a good scolding.

"What the hell were you thinking running off like that? Don't you know how unsafe it is at this time!! Where would you even go at this hour? How stupid can you be!" I yelled.

"Haha...I think you're the last person who should be worried about my safety!" She snorted. "You're just a shade better than the people who tried to rape me back there!"

She had rendered me absolutely speechless. Her words pierced me like a dagger! How dare she compare me with those low-lives?! I was beyond angry! My blood was boiling!

"Really, that's what you think of me?!!" I shouted.

It looked a little like she regretted her words but she refused to budge.

"Of course! You kidnap me and bring me here by force and then expect me to have a good opinion of you! You certainly have very high hopes!" She stated sarcastically.

I couldn't even defend my own character because of what I'd done! Didn't she realize that I was desperate? That I wouldn't do this to her if I had another option? Screw it! I didn't have to explain myself to her anyway!

"Just get this in your head! The next time you try something like this, I will tie you up! Understood?!" I shouted grabbing her hand tightly.

"Fine!" she said as she jerked her hand out of mine.

The waiter had arrived with our order by that time. As he laid out our order in front of us, my spirits lifted immediately. I was ravenous!

I immediately dug into my food without wasting even a second. I finished all three dishes in a matter of minutes. Only when I was done, did I look at Nandini. She looked nervous and jittery. She had hardly eaten a bite or two of her idli and kept staring at her plate.

"Why aren't you eating?" I asked her.

She looked up when she heard me and her nervousness disappeared completely. She pointed a finger at my face and started laughing like a maniac!

I couldn't help but admire the sweet sound of her laughter. It brought a smile to my face instantly! It took me a few seconds to realize what she was laughing entire face was covered in food! Being this hungry, all my etiquette had flown out the window! I realized how ridiculous I must be looking and immediately made an effort to wipe my face with a tissue. I guess I was unsuccessful because the laughter ceased to stop.

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