Chapter 20 : That Time of the Month

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4:00 pm, Anjuna, Goa.

No! No! No! This couldn't be happening! Why's my luck so rotten?! Aiyappa, what am I going to do now?

It had been about half an hour since Manik and I had reached Goa. We had almost reached Anjuna beach-the location of the magnificent Singhania vacation home. However my tiny bladder had gotten the better of me and I had asked Manik to stop at a public restroom. All I had to do was cater to the nature's call-at least that's what I'd thought! Turned out that I'd got my period!

Ugh! How could this even be possible? I'd already completed my cycle this month, so why was I experiencing the resurgence of the dreaded and bloody vagina volcano?!

I guessed that it was probably due to the stress I had been under, these last few days...stupid hormones! I didn't even have a pad with me since I'd left my purse behind at the restaurant.

I peeked outside from the stall, to see if there was someone from whom I could borrow one, but the restroom was completely empty!

Shit! Now I'd just have to buy it from the drug store. But, what would I tell Manik?! I didn't have any money! I'd have to ask him for it, but how? If he saw me going to the medical store, he'd definitely know that something was wrong! This was so embarrassing!

I had no option...I had to tell him the truth! But how would he react? Aiyappa, please don't let him get annoyed or disgusted with me!

I made my way out of the washroom, moving cautiously.

Manik had been waiting right outside for me. As soon as he saw me, it seemed like he realized that I wasn't alright.

"Nandini, are you okay? Why do you look so pale?" He asked in a worried voice, taking a step towards me.

"Um...It's...It's...nothing...." I stuttered, making his suspicions grow deeper.

"Nandini, tell me what's wrong? Are you sick or something?" He asked, his eyes filled with a hint of fear at the thought of me falling ill.

"No...not exactly..." I answered. "I don't know how to tell'll just get disgusted!"

"Nandini, please, just share your trouble with me..." Manik said in desperation.

"Manik...I...I'm monthly cycle-it's begun...and I don't know..." I stammered further, looking at the ground and speaking, too ashamed to look him in the eye.

"Nandini...I understand...just tell me what you need..." He said, in a slightly hesitant voice.

That's it? No-Eww! That's gross! Etcetera, Etcetera...

His attitude had surprised me a great deal. He never stopped surprising me! Anyone else would have immediately shut me out, and prevented me from speaking about this sensitive and 'girly' topic, whereas he was asking me about what I needed?! This made my respect for him as an individual increase a great deal!

"Manik...I actually need money to go to the drug store...I need to see, I left my purse at the restaurant..." I stammered, yet again.

"Nandini, slow're saying you need to buy sanitary napkins, right?" He asked, in calm voice.

"YES!" I immediately let out a sigh of relief as he understood my broken words.

"Okay, how about you wait here...and I'll go and purchase it from the medical store that we saw three blocks down the road. I don't think it would be advisable for you to walk around in your condition..." He proposed, in a soft voice.

I just nodded my head in approval of his plan, since I was at a loss for words.

"Cool...wait here...I'll be back soon..." He said, as he placed his hand on my shoulders to calm me down. With this last statement, he turned around and started walking towards the drug store.

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