Recurring Dreams

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Authors Note:

Hi, so this is my first fanfiction so please bear with me if it doesn't sound as good as others lol. Btw when its italics it means its what Steve or Tony is thinking in their mind

Steve POV:

I woke up with a start and had beads of sweat race down my back and face. I had another dream about the one and only Tony Stark. 

Ever since we had met up at Stark Tower for Natasha's birthday, I had this dream of Tony fiercely kiss me against the wall over and over again.  I didn't know what to become of these dreams. I definitely knew something was up.

The phone rang and jolted me out of my daydream. 

"Hello, this is Steve Rogers."

"Hey, Steve! It's Tony of course.  I was just calling for you to come down and come to my laboratory. All the Avengers need to come immediately. See you soon"

Oh no seeing Tony again will definitely make me feel uncomfortable. I just hope he never finds out.

Third person POV:

Rogers quickly put on a pair of cargo pants and a grey shirt and rushed down to the laboratory. When he got to the door there was no noise. No talking could be heard from any room. 

He opened the door and was bombarded by all the Avengers yelling Happy Birthday to him.  Because of all those dreams, he had almost forgotten his own birthday.  

Everyone clapped him on the back and gave him all sorts of weird gifts that had no purpose to him.  

Steve finally got around all of the people and went to the bar.  Even though he knew he couldn't get drunk he just really needed to stop thinking about Tony Stark. The prettiest boy he knew. He positively knew for a fact that Tony was straight as a pole because he was dating Pepper. 

Tony taps Steve's shoulder, "guess who?" he says drunkenly. 

Steve immediately gets up from the chair rushes off to the nearest door. 

"Wait!  STEVE! please don't go!"

I don't want to see him or his face. I'm so scared he's going to find out. 

Tony runs after him trying to find him. Steve is right outside the door of the laboratory.

Tony touches Steve's shoulder and he flinches away.

"Steve. Whats the matter. Are you okay?"

Steve turns his back to Tony and starts to cry a little.

"Tony just please go away. I just can't handle this pressure and just seeing you makes me want to cry..."

Steve starts to walk away and Tony rushes to his side. 

"Steve, look at me, just look at me. I'm going to take you to my living room and I'm going to help you. Okay?"

Steve turns around and says alright. Tony grabs Steves hand and gently stroke his fingers as he guides him to his room. 

Omg. omg. Tony is holding my hand. my hand. But I just can't tell him that I really like him. If he found out he would never talk to me again.

As they both enter the room, Tony guides Steve to his sofa. Steve scooches away from Tony and stares into the blank wall. 

Drunkenly, Tony tries to give a half hug. 

"Sssteve I know I should be asking you whats wrong but I really really need to tell you something.  Its something I should have told you a looong time ago."

Steve turns to Tony and tells him that he doesn't want to know whats so important to him. 

"Steve I could honestly care less what your opinion is. I just need to tell you I think I'm in love with you.

At ease  (stony smut)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang