Sugar we're going down

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Eren POV

I feel like shit on a stick and I just want to sleep bit nooo.  The government requires all underage students to go to school. Why can't I just stay home and lay in bed where I'll be comfortable and warm?  Like why do I have to go to school??? I'm pregnant,  throwing my guts up every morning, and I crave wierd shit. Levi won't let me stay home and he won't let me skip just one class. Being pregnant and in school os frustrating!!!
I try to take a shower but of course,  my damn shower gel makes my stomach roll.  No matter how hard I try to keep myself from vomiting, it never works.  It feels as if every time it comes up something just makes more come out and I am sick of being sick.
I didn't realize I  was crying when Levi presses my head into his chest.
"Its ok baby. " he says.  "We'll go shopping after school for new soap that doesn't make you sick. "
I rub my head into his shoulder as he rubs my back, trying his best to console me. I rest my head in the crook of his neck and he just holds me.
—-time skip—-
We walk down the halls, and I notice how people are reacting to my uneasy looks. Levi grabs my hand and pulls me closer. I mesh our sides together as we continue walking. When we reach my classroom he kisses my head.
"I'll see you in an hour, yeah?"  Levi says.
I nod and give him a quick peck.  Then he winks and walks toward his friends and I find my seat in my classroom.

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