Chapter 12-Fear

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(Can we just assume that I like every song in existence? From any decade, genre, and artist? Mkay.)  

Derrick panicked, shooting out of the bathroom. He scanned the room, and grabbed the nearest weapon: a candlestick. Then, he turned his attention on a half-naked Jake, who was cowering behind the bed, his face a sickly white color.

"Derrick! D-Derrick help me! Save me,"Jake whimpered like a dog, backing further away from Derrick, "Save me from that monster!"

"W-What?" Derrick said, glancing around the room, not seeing anything, "What monster?!"

Jake's back hit the wall behind him and the werewolf jumped in surprise. The werewolf pointed a shaky finger to the wall behind Derrick. The prince slowly turned around, afraid of what he would see on the wall.

Derrick raised the candlestick in arms, like a batter about to hit a home run. He pinpointed the location Jake was pointing at and then dropped his arms.

He looked at Jake, then back at the 'monster'.

It was a spider.

I freaking spider.

Derrick almost smiled, or even laughed. The big bad wolf was scared of a spider that could fit almost in the palm of Derrick's hand. Derrick was not scared of insects at all. He used to awe at them and learn about them from his mother when he was little. He knew for a fact what this spider was, and was surprised to see it in the castle. These spiders were rare in the kingdom; they usually stayed in places like South America. In warm climates. But it seems someone must have had this one as a pet and it sought out warm shelter in the castle.

Derrick knew this spider was a gentle giant, but Jake didn't.

Derrick reached up and picked the Goliath birdeater spider up by the joint in between his abdomen and head. The spider's legs squirmed and it's front fangs twitched.

"W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Jake screamed, "D-Don't pick it up! ARE YOU INSANE?!"

Derrick examined it, then smirked almost evilly.

"So," Derrick said, turning around to face Jake, "You're afraid of spiders?"

Jake nodded and tried backing further into the wall he was pressed against. Derrick loomed nearer, coming closer to the werewolf with the spider.

"Why?" Derrick asked smugly. Jake tried melting into the wall, but he just couldn't.

"I-I don't know-DON'T COME ANY CLOSER WITH THAT DEMON," Jake screamed, panicking when his soulmate got closer to him with the wiggling arachnid. 

"Let's make a deal," Derrick said, tilting the spider back and forth in his hand tauntingly, and Jake's eyes widened, "Pet the spider and...I'll hug you again."

Derrick just wanted to torture and tease the poor thing.

Jake gulped. 

DO IT, Pickle urged.

But-But it's scary... Jake whined.

DO IT LIKE A MAN, Pickle demanded.

Jake whimpered, looking at Derrick. Derrick wouldn't let him get hurt, would he?

Jake eyed the spider, still pressed against the wall, and took in a breath to calm himself.

"O-Okay," he said, his voice trembling. Spiders were one of the only things that made him soft.

Derrick smiled that same small smile that Jake wanted to grow, but still loved. It gave the werewolf a small smigit of confidence. Derrick held out the spider for Jake to touch. Jake flinched and slowly forced his hand to get closer. Jake closed his eyes, not wanting to see himself touch his worst fear.

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