Chapter 22- The Truth

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(My voice is gone. I can now only type and write. So I'm doing just that.)

Jake shot out of the bed, with a big gasp. He was confused and disoriented; he didn't remember even getting in the bed. He grabbed the bed sheets and looked around in desperate need to figure out where the heck he was. 

He was in Derrick's bed.

Relief came over Jake with a sigh. He never wanted to experience future visions ever again, yet one thing was nagging him more than anything.

David in the cell.

That David he was not used to. David usually never screamed, and Jake has never heard him scream before he had that dream.

It freaked him out just a tad.

Jake was now sure that he should ask David himself, who or what he was. The werewolf concluded that David would probably tell him the truth and be compliant. After all, vampire or not, they are best friends.

Don't hold your head above your heart.

Jake sat for a few minutes more, staring off in space, wondering what he should do about his BFF. Then suddenly something curled up into the werewolf's side. Startled, Jake looked down at what it was, and his mouth dropped. The warm fuzzy tingles he felt made him smile in pleasure and all thoughts of David left his mind.

There, cuddled into him, was Prince Derrick, his soulmate.

Jake assumed he must have fallen asleep on accident, or maybe wanted to sleep, but didn't want to on the floor.

Seems like a thing his stubborn kitten would do.

You mean our stubborn kitten? Pickle chimed in, Don't forget! He's mine too!

Jake just quietly laughed at the voice in his head.

Look at how cute he is, Pickle cooed, He's so adorable in his sleep. Not one frown... so peaceful. Don't you just want to kiss him awake?

Actually... Jake said, I kinda do.

Then do it! Pickle squealed, What are you waiting for?!

Jake looked at Derrick, who slept soundly, unaware of the conversation going on as he slept. Jake ran his tan finger's through Derrick's dirty blond hair. The tips of his fingers touch his scalp and his palm almost rested on his forehead. Jake leaned over and kissed his prince on the cheek.

I want him to be awake and aware when we have our first kiss, Jake hmmed, rubbing his thumb over the soft skin on Derrick's relaxed cheeks, And he'd kill me if I did it now.

Pickle sighed, Fine. Another day then.

Jake stared at Derrick as he sleep, captured by the outward beauty of his soulmate.

He remembered yesterday's conversation after the King found out they were soulmates, when he and Derrick went into Derrick's room. Jake had asked Derrick very seriously if the prince had accepted him as his soulmate. 

Derrick had replied to him: "Not fully. Not yet."

Jake accepted that as an answer. That meant that Derrick didn't hate him anymore, at least. The werewolf could live with that.

Jake then made jokes about getting married and it made Derrick blush, which in turn made the prince frustrated. 

Jake fixed that frustration with a little kiss on the cheek.

Now Jake questioned more about why Derrick was in the bed with him. Was it because he was trying to accept Jake fully?

Jake slid down until he was level with the sleeping Derrick and kissed him on the forehead. Tingles shot into his lips, making him, yet again smile. The strong werewolf wrapped his arms around his soulmate's back and snuggled into him, basking in the warmth created between their two bodies. Jake nuzzled his kitten's neck, taking in that sweet smell of apples, roses, and herbs, and loving the feel of Derrick's skin on his.

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