Bonus Chapter 2

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(So...I just noticed that NBTTB hit 10K.....MY MIND IS BLOWN. Here's y'all's reward for being the greatest readers ever!!!)


Many months later...

"So, you may be wondering why I called you in today, Jake," King Rastus straightened his shoulders as he spoke. Jake was sitting across from him nervously. His soulmate, Derrick, was out in the stables waiting for him, while the King was having this surprise conversation with the werewolf. Jake had no idea why he got pulled to the side by the king. He assumed it was important.

"You see, " the King continued, "I think my son is ready to become king. He's fulfilled everything I've asked of him and even sacrificed some time in his day to his duties, which is optimal for a future king. Don't you think so, Jake?"

"Definitely," Jake nodded, smiling. He was glad King Rastus had thought that Derrick was doing good in his training. Derrick, though never shows it, cares deeply about being a good king to the kingdom.

"But there is one problem, with Derrick's succession," the king started, and Jake's smile fell in worry, "He doesn't have a queen to succeed with, and it is upon the tradition that he shall be coronated with his queen."

"I-I don't understand," Jake said, staring at the king with wonder, confused at why the king was bringing this up.

"As Derrick's soulmate, you should assume the position of the queen, just as Derrick is the new Luna of your pack, " the king explained, "Except succession in the human monarchy is a lot stricter, seeing as we don't have mating involved. You can't simply have sex with my son and then become queen."

Jake blushed in embarrassment; that topic was not something he wanted to speak about with his soulmate's human father.

Why not? Pickle sassed at the king in Jake's mind.

"S-So what do I have to do in order for Derrick to become king?" Jake questioned, feeling as if the King's eyes were slicing through his soul. 

"You have to marry him," the king explained, and Jake's eyes widened, "It's typical that soulmates to royalty would marry immediately after meeting each other, but giving your circumstances...and Derrick's attitude...that hasn't happened."

"So..we're going to get married?" Jake asked, a little uneasy but a smile had started at his lips, "When?!"

"See that's what I wanted to talk to you about," the king smiled at Jake's enthusiasm, "I know that Derrick would never propose to you, so I ask if you would perhaps propose to him...if you are comfortable to do so at this time. However, remember that the longer you two wait to get married, the longer Derrick stays a prince."

Jake nodded in understanding.

So, he's asking us to propose to our soulmate? Pickle laughed, WHY WOULD YOU NOT?

Fear of rejection, Jake told him.'re going to propose to him anyway, right? Pickle paused, RIGHT???

Jake ignored Pickle and left the room, after being dismissed, to the stables to be with Derrick.

He didn't stop until he saw those pretty pale eyes.

"Jake!" Derrick yelled and ran over to the werewolf, pulling his arm into the direction of the stables, "You have to see this!"

Jake knew it had something to do with the horses, otherwise, the prince would not be so excited. So, Jake let Derrick drag him to the stables, where a young stable boy was peering into a stall. 

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