Chapter 23- The Real Enemy

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(This has a lot of information in it that will most likely be new to you, so if anybody gets confused at anytime, just message me)

The three stared at David, who acted casually, as if he had just suggested they go to dinner. Nathan slowly and cautiously made his way from behind the real werewolf in the room.

"S-So..." Nathan asked, somewhat hopeful, "You're not a vampire?"

David smiled a kind smile; if it wasn't for the serious, climactic event happening, David would have blushed. 

"No," David reassured, "In fact, even if I was a vampire, it's not the vampires you have to worry about."

Jake blinked, "So...vampires really exist?" 

David nodded, vaguely saying, "A lot of things do."

Derrick looked in between his soulmate and David, letting his mind sink all of this information in. If vampires and werewoves and perhaps more magical beings existed, then how have they been so secretive? How have they managed to hide themselves for this long? How many humans were really, truly humans?

Derrick didn't even know who he could trust anymore.

"Wait a second," Derrick spoke, confusion and frustration sharing a look on his face, "If you're not a vampire or a werewolf, then what are you?"

Derrick was expecting David to hide this fact, or maybe even suddenly turn evil as he admitted his true self.

Instead, the three men watched the pale boy smile proudly.

"I am a Leshy!" David declared, as if they would all suddenly gasp in recognition.

"A what-now?" Nathan asked confused. 

"A Leshy," David said, "I admit, we are not very famous in many legends. Maybe that's why you never expected it.  A Leshy is the guardian of forests. I am the guardian of this forest, and Jake, because you are half-wolf, you are part of the forest, which means I protect you too."

"Protect me from what?" Jake asked, worry now swimming in his eyes.

"From the real enemies," David revealed,"Jake, your mom didn't want you to know this, but I knew I was going to end up telling you anyways...How about we sit down?"

David walked over to his bed and gave it two pats, with a kind smile on his face.

Nathan sat down first, scooting over close to David, a little too close in fact. A smile was on his face; now that he knew that David was not a vampire, he was content and was now comfortable with being near him.

And no matter what anybody said he was totally not thinking that having a powerful protective, yet sweet and blushy guardian of the forest as a boyfriend would be awesome as heck.

Good thing it was Jake who had the voice inside his head, not him, or someone would be disagreeing by now.

As soon as Jake and Derrick sat down (hand in hand, Nathan noted), David spilled the beans.

"The real enemy has been after your father's crown for a while. His title is not only the Alpha of your pack, but little does anyone know, he is the leader of a greater community. He is the leader of all shapeshifters in this continent, which have been creatively named 'The Shifters'," David said, "And before you ask, yes, I am a shifter. Anyone who can turn into a human, to an animal, and back is considered a shapeshifter, which includes you Jake. Our enemy, however, is not a shapeshifter. These monstrous things have been after the Shifters for many years, but only now have they gained a leader cruel enough to take action."

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