Bonus Chapter 4

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(This might be the last update! More info on that in the author's note at the bottom.)

A couple years later...

"Don't you dare take it off!" 

"Just tell me then!" Derrick complained.

"No," Jake replied, "It's a surprise."

"I hate your surprises. Did you know that?" Derrick huffed, but Jake just laughed as he guided Derrick across the courtyard.

"Shut up. You love them, liar," Jake joked, holding Derrick's arms behind his back so that he couldn't take the blindfold off.

"Can I at least guess?" Derrick asked, then nervously said, "Are you sure you know where we are going?"

"Yes, Kitten," Jake replied.

"Are you really sure?"

"Put a little faith in me okay?" Jake replied, walking a little further, "Should I be offended that you don't trust me by now?"

"I've never been blindfolded before," Derrick reminded him, "Do you really blame me?"

"I guess not," Jake said, before stopping suddenly, "By the way, we're here."

"Thank god," Derrick said, trying to rip the fabric off his eyes, "It feels like we have been walking for ho...urs..."

Derrick stopped short when he noticed where they were. In the forest, in a nice secluded place. A blanket was placed on the ground along with a basket of food, some wine, and glasses. There was a horse tied up on a tree nearby and a stream flowing next to the scene that echoed it's flowing water through the forest. Birds were tweeting overhead in the orange leaves of the trees. It was a peaceful, serene area to have a picnic.

"Oh good," Derrick smiled, "It's not too overdramatic."

"Did you expect more?" Jake scoffed.

"I expected it to be like your proposal," Derrick snickered.

"Let's not bring that up," Jake reminded. Derrick, he eventually realized, found humor in his cheesiness and failures. However, the proposal he made was a bit too much, and- although Derrick was seriously overwhelmed by it- it worked.

"Yeah, if you have your wolves howl at me again, I might divorce," Derrick deadpanned. 

"Hey! That was a tradition!" Jake reminded, "It had to be done."

"What about the tree you had us climb?" Derrick reminded him.

"I was looking for originality," Jake replied, taking things out of the basket.

"I almost fell out of the tree and died," Derrick huffed.

"I didn't know that you would be that scared of the howling," Jake excused. Derrick rolled his eyes and blushed from embarrassment. 

"It wasn't fear," he lied, "It was surprise."

"Right," Jake rolled his eyes, and handed him some food, "Here's your meal, scaredy-cat."

"What is with the cat-themed nicknames?" Derrick huffed, stuffing his mouth.

Because dogs totally top cats- Pickle tried to argue.

"Because cats are cute," Jake replied, "And so are you."

He also behaves like a cat you know. He hates everyone, he mewls during sex, and he even climbs trees! Natural feline! Pickle chimed.

However, Jake was used to his comments by now.

"I'm not cute," Derrick scrunched up his nose, "How many times do I have to tell you that?"

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