E L E V E N ~ "Dance with me?"

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This chapter is dedicated to @nickydor85  for voting! Thank you so much :)


You know, you should really calm down on those jelly shots." I shout into Emma's ear as she laughs.

"You silly bean, these sweet potatoes won't hurt me." She coos as she strokes a jelly shot.

They're silent killers, I know that from experience, and Emma is going to regret this in the morning.

I take another sip of my vodka and lemonade, my first one of the night. I'm trying to take it slow so that if Emma need help, I'm not completely hammered.

We've been here for a total of an hour and a half but it feels like we've been here for five hours.

Just like gym class.

I scan the crowd again, hoping I can find a familiar face and get help with Emma.

I'm going to need it.

After Axel complimented my outfit, tweedle dee and tweedle dum came round and grabbed both of his arms, dragging him off.

Yes they were girls but it annoyed me, so I'm going to stick with those nicknames.

I'm so petty.

I spot Rob over by the DJ area and catch his eye. Motioning my hand to come over, he nods and makes his way through the crowd.

Rob's about halfway through the crowd when he suddenly trips and falls.

Onto his face.

I begin laughing and Emma turns round from the bar. "What?" She asks.

I'm laughing to hard to speak so I just point in Rob's direction. Emma gazes over and sees Rob's bright red face pop up from the floor.

She and I carry on laughing as Rob reaches us.

"So, how are you girls doing?" He asks smoothly.

I smooth out my face and wipe any trace of humour off of it. "Great, especially because we just saw you face plant." I say, bursting out in giggles all over again.

"Ugh, worth a try." He groans as he sits by the table we're all at. He rests his forehead against the table and shuts his eyes in embarrassment.

"Why aren't you drunk?" I ask, fully expecting Rob to be at the level Emma is at.

"I'm not some alcoholic, Cupcake." He smiles, taking his head off of the table. "I'm designated driver."

"Oh, makes sense." I nod, smiling.

"Well, somebody's going to need to get her back." Rob nods to three feet away where Emma's dancing.

"Since when did we become parents to her?" I laugh.


Rob and I sit round the table for another half an hour until I stand up and go to head to get another drink.

"Remember the jelly shots!" Emma shouts as I walk away.

"It's like you want to die." I call back laughing.

I walk through the crowd of tightly packed bodies when a hand wraps round my arm.

"You look sexy tonight." I rough voice shouts.

His hand digs into my arm harshly, his hair is long and greasy, covering half of his face. He looks no where near the age of the rest of the party.

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