S I X T E E N - "You're such a girl."

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This chapter is dedicated to DilettanteAmateur  for voting and leaving a message on my message board! Thank you so so much :)


"Please turn that damn thing off." Rob groans as he pulls a pillow onto his face.

I groggily come out of sleep to hear him say this and realise that it is indeed my alarm that's going off.

It's Wednesday, which means I have three lectures and a whole day on campus.

I'm so excited.

Reaching over onto my nightstand, I blindly slap at it until it eventually turns off.

Dragging myself out of bed, I take my gym stuff and head out of the door.

Not knowing that my life is about to change.


I press stop on Demi Lovato's Skyscraper. Taking three deep breaths, I put it back to the start and begin the routine.


I've put in a certain hard spin, which I can usually do, but today I can't.

I'm gonna blame it on the lack of sleep.

I finally manage to do the spin and the rest of the routine, but something was off.

Usually when I dance, I feel at
peace, as if there's no-one else in this world apart from me in this room.

But today, it felt as though there are eyes watching me, assessing me.

As I finish the dance, I realise I was right.

There's three girls watching me through the window in the door.

First impressions are giving off a creepy vibe, not gonna lie.

Straightening my pony tail, I turn off the music and wave at them. An awkward smile on my face.

They see my smile and take that as an invitation for them to walk in.

"That was seriously impressive." Girl number one nods.

"Yeah! I'm Brooke by the way and this is Kirsten and Jamie."

"Not a guy, my parents just hate me." Jamie shrugs.

I laugh and shake my head. "I'm Skylar."

"We were watching you dance and we were wondering if we could talk to you about something."

I didn't recognise the girls from the school dance group, so I put on my best smile and nodded.

"Sure." I agreed.

"Okay, so basically we want to create a new dance group. One that would rival the main school's one because let's be honest, those guys are bitches." Brooke nods.

Meanwhile, I'm jumping for joy inside. A group? With actual normal people?

It sounds perfect and I sound lonely...

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