T W E N T Y - "Go for it."

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This chapter is dedicated to @omgitsivy for voting!! Thank you so much :)

Remember to follow me if you haven't already, @jade_writesalot , so that you can keep up to date with this book!


"I may have a slight fear of blood." Axel winces as he holds his wounded finger closer.

I start laughing before I see his serious expression and then stop.


I can't really help the few giggles that escape me.

Purely because Axel is said to be the player, the QB, the machine on the field. Yet, he's got a weakness for Halsey songs and is afraid of blood.

Each to their own I guess....

I roll my eyes before saying, "Okay, so go wash it, put on a band-aid and then the blood will stop" I shrug.

"Yeah, I can't.... uh, look at it." He mutters, looking up at the ceiling.

Again, I would have started laughing but I quickly realise he's still bleeding.

Grabbing his other hand I drag him into the bathroom and push him down onto the closed toilet seat.

"Do you have a first aid kit?" I ask.

Axel scoffs, "What Quarter Back doesn't have a first aid kit?"

"What Quarter Back is afraid of blood?" I retort, raising an eyebrow in amusement.

Axel drops his eyes to the floor and sighs. "Second shelf in the cupboard."

Reaching into the shelf above the sink, I grab the first aid kit and take out the bandages.

Taking hold of Axel's hand, I inspect the cut. It's not deep, but it's still loosing blood.

Reaching into the bag, I grab an antiseptic wipe. "This may hurt." I whisper, taking into account the silence in the room.

Axel's eyes follow every one of my movements, I can feel his gaze burning into me.

Wiping away the blood with the wipe, I realise the cut isn't actually that bad.

And he tells me that I overreact...

Placing a bandage on it, I look up into Axel's eyes.

"Thank you." He whispers, placing his other hand on my face.

I rest my head against it, the feeling of his hand against my face oddly reassuring.

Clearing my throat, I stand up and walk out of the bathroom.

"You know, it's usually the guy taking care of the girl." Axel says as he walks out of the bathroom.

"Maybe you are a girl." I shrug laughing as I rest against the counter-top.

"Mhm, that's not true and you know it." Axel murmurs as he stands in front of me, placing his hands on my hips.

He leans in and kisses me on the cheek. Then on the forehead before settling on kissing me on the neck.


There's something different about Axel tonight, something off. Like something's missing and he's searching for it.

But as soon as Axel's hot lips press against my neck, slowing dragging up to my jaw, I know he's looking for something from me.

"Prove it." I whisper as I turn my head to the side to grant him better access.

Cooking With The QB ✔️ Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora