T H I R T Y - "Okay."

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This chapter is dedicated to @Its_Me_Lilli for voting and commenting! Thank you :)

We're back to Skylar's POV!

My arm screams in agony whilst my mind screams in rage.

Blossom stands over me, a sly smile on her face. Her hands rest on her hips, her long legs seeming like skyscrapers from my low angle. The rest of the school's dance troop stand behind her, some looking sympathetic and some looking smug.

I attempt to stand up, only to fall straight back down. I can't put any pressure on my arm without agony shooting through me and my foot is at an awkward angle where I would need both of my hands to stand up.

My eyes screw shut in pain as I hear the crowd let out a chorus of protests. Opening my eyes, I'm extremely relieved to see that they're not looking at me.

They're looking at their star quarter back who's running towards me.


Dragging his helmet off when he's halfway towards me, I would've believed that I'm in an advert set.

But alas, I'm not and the crowd -now realising Axel's direction - is staring right at me.

And I'm not a pretty sight, I'm basically lying down, my one good arm supporting me. The rest of my teammates have gone off to get help and call people, so I'm alone with the devils.

Also known as Blossom and her friends.

But I would rather stay here and wait for help, than have Axel run over and help me.

It's going to cause a massive scene and disrupt the game, the opposite of what I wanted to happen.

This is going to completely destroy my groups chances of representing the school.

But before I can call him off, Axel is pushing people out of his way to get through the crowd and to get closer to me.

The crowd seems to fade out, Blossom's face disappears from my view. In her place, comes the man I've dreamed about for nearly two weeks.

Clothed in his full football kit, Axel's body looks almost edible. His cheeks are flushed from running in the cold and his blue eyes shine like a beacon at midnight. A flood light behind his head gives him the illusion of having a halo, his dark brown hair messy and wavier as usual.

A flood of affection floods through my body and if I wasn't on the floor in pain, I probably would've had to look away.

"What happened?" Axel says, breathless.

His voice triggers a longing in me. Deep and raspy from shouting the whole game, my skin lights up in goosebumps. His voice also brings back a sense of resentment towards him, remembering how he shouted at me in that car park.

"Go back to playing." I say, my voice wobbly from all of the emotions and pain currently going through me.

So much pain.

I try to sit up again, only using one hand this time - but it leads me to just shuffling back slightly on the floor. A sense of vulnerability shoots through me as I realise I'm truly stuck.

I can hear the crowd, referees and coaches all shouting. But they seem to be dimmed out, Axel's voice the only thing that I can hear.

"I'm not leaving you," He breathes out, my stomach clenching at his words. "C'mon, Rob's got his car."

I shake my head back and forth, declining his offer.

We had a fight two weeks ago and I screamed at him. He screamed back, his fears becoming visible to me and after suggesting a break - I've made us both miserable.

Cooking With The QB ✔️ Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora