T H I R T Y N I N E ~ "I have a question."

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This chapter is dedicated to @RoosRose for voting and commenting! Thank you so much :)


A X E L 'S   P O V

Drew and Emma arrived back pretty quickly, their arms carrying just about everything in the vending machine from downstairs.

Their arrival also means I need to stop gazing at Skylar, which is pretty much impossible. She slowly sits up from the blankets that are strewn across the floor and makes her way over to help Emma.

Rob drags me over to the desk, his look almost taunting in the way it screams I told you your relationship would be fixed. Shoving his shoulder with my own, I let out a laugh when he almost falls over like the absolute idiot he is.

"You know, I did just see you lying on the blankets together. You can't deny that you've finally fixed it." He says, smugness ringing clear in his every word.

"Not completely, I still haven't told her about Maxwell." I whisper, desperately hoping Skylar doesn't hear me.

Rob reacts immediately, his voice painfully loud, "What!?"

His voice draws unwanted attention from Skylar and Emma. Skylar's gaze is warm, making me feel like I'm floating on fucking clouds or something. Having spent time not knowing if I was going to see that warmth or even a spark of light in her eyes again - even the slightest flicker of happiness makes me feel like I'm standing on the top of Everest.

But the fact that her eyes are on us while I talk about him, is something I really can't handle and I'm totally unprepared for it. Unable to get words out, Emma speaks up first.

"You guys okay?" She asks.

"Yeah, I, um...Axel?" Rob stutters before eventually turning the attention of the group to me.

I will kill him one day.

"Nothing, I just explained how I don't feel like getting drunk tonight but apparently that's not acceptable for Rob." I shrug my shoulders, willing for the fib to come to me.

Because eventually I will tell Skylar what's wrong. I will tell her what's hung over me for the past four years and how one person has managed to control my life - I'll tell her everything. But not tonight, not while she is looking at me like she did three months ago.

Looking at me like I finally redeemed myself. That, somehow, I've made it back into her life and she's happy about it. With hope finally seeping its way back into her, I refuse to put it out.

Not like last time because that's never happening again.

But I will tell her.



The rain carried on for the rest of the afternoon, but the high spirits continued as well.

Dean arrived after about two hours and I quickly willed my brain to shut up after his arrival.

The problem is, ever since Skylar and I's break, I can't look at him the same way. The way she brought him into the argument made my veins light up like a firework in the middle of the night.

Cooking With The QB ✔️ Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ