T W E N T Y F I V E ~ "I'm listening."

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This chapter is dedicated to
@SomewhtTwisted for voting! Thank you!!


"I can explain." Axel repeats, taking a step closer to me.

It's as though he keeps repeating that sentence for the sake of himself, as if convincing himself that what just happened is explainable and not that big of a deal.

"Let me just ask one thing," I say, warning and anger clearly heard through my tone. "Is she a cousin? A sister, maybe? Any kind of relative? Just so I don't look like a idiot when I assume the worst."

"No, she's not. I'm the idiot here." Axel mutters, looking at the ground. "I can explain."

He takes another step forward so I take two back.

"Explain then." I say, thankful that my voice is steady despite the soul crushing sadness that is starting to form inside my chest like a pool of black liquid.

"I...Fuck I don't know what happened." Axel mutters, shoving a hand through his hair.

He looks utterly wrecked, his eyes begging for me to forgive him. But, I can't look into his eyes knowing they were directed at another girl just minutes ago.

"Well, I hope you do because I don't know what the fuck is going on here and yet, even though you were the one with a girl on your lap, you're acting like you weren't here for the past hour." I spit angrily.

"Whoa, gloves are off then." Axel looks at me with disbelief in his eyes. "I don't know, there were no seats left, she came and sat on my lap. I was with friends, I wasn't concentrated on her."

"Are you kidding me?" I shriek, placing my one hand on my head. "That's it. You don't know. You weren't concentrating."

"You're twist-" Axel starts but I cut him off.

He doesn't get to place the blame on me here.

"So, if I was on Dean's lap you would be fine with it?" I shoot back at him.

His entire stance changes at this. As if I poured a bucket of rage over him, his eyes bulge, his back straightens and his jaw clenches. "Don't go there," He seethes. "You know I don't like that."

"Because I fucking love you with other girls on your lap."

"We aren't even exclusive!" Axel bursts out, his voice rising.

It would've been better if he had shot me because I know he's right. We never put a label on whatever was happening with us, never talked about it. My rage merges with my misery as I feel tear prick the back of my eyes.

"That doesn't give you a right to go off like that! Jesus, it's like I don't even know you." I feel my hand tremble, so I clench it into a fist.

"For fuck sake, Skylar! Yes, there was a girl on my lap. Yes, I don't really have a fucking explanation. But, that doesn't mean we can give up on this."

I shake my head at his utter stupidity. "Do you know how embarrassing that was for me? Having the whole group stare at me whilst I run off? Do you know how it felt when I saw her with you? The same girl you had sex with a month ago."

Axel lets out what seems to be a growl before launching off in his own speech, "You don't even understand. I can do what I want, Skylar. You're not my fucking mom. You think you've got everything sorted out but you don't. Welcome to the real world, Baby." Despite the term of endearment, acid drips off of his every word.

"I can't do this, not when you're being so unbelievably naive." I shake my head.

"What, your gonna run off now?" Axel mutters, kicking the curb. He catches my glare and rises his head to meet it. "Tell me why we can't do this then."

Cooking With The QB ✔️ Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora