T H I R T Y F O U R - "That's her."

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This chapter is dedicated to @ThrowValentine for voting and commenting! Thank you so much :)


"Remember to have your routines finished by next week! I won't accept late, sloppy work." Miss Poppy calls as all of the students - including me - file out of the door.

"And I won't accept sloppy teaching - but here we are." I scoff, rolling my eyes at her ludicrous speech.

Stepping out into the breeze, I shiver and pull my bomber jacket closer to me. Despite it being nearly December,  I refuse to dress like it.

In my black jeans, khaki bomber jacket with a t-shirt underneath, I look ridiculous. But I don't care, it's a Thursday afternoon and I've just survived my last lecture of the day.


"Axel coming?" Dean asks, appearing beside me.

A week has passed since Axel vowed to work for me and boy, has he stuck to his word. Every day since then, he's picked me up from class and walked me home. Brought me food and he even sat with Dean and I for coffee once, where he had to sit and listen to me rant about Miss Poppy.

His commitment, determination and bucket loads of patience have been greatly appreciated - albeit a little over due after what he put me through.

"Yeah, he said he would." I murmur, looking at the text he sent me half an hour ago confirming that he would be here.

"He's really committed to winning you back isn't he?" Dean asks.

A blush blossoms on my cheeks, knowing that the lengths he's going to are extreme. Looking down at my feet, I mumble "Yeah, he really is."

"Good for him though, be a fool to let you go." Dean agrees, smirking at my blush.

"I was a fool - making up for that now, though." Axel's appears, his  deep voice sounds hoarse, sending goosebumps down my back.

"Better be." Dean warns, before shooting me a smile and walking off.

Turning on my heel, I face Axel. Dressed in Nike joggers and black t-shirt he looks jaw droppingly handsome.

And cold.

Clearly I'm not the only one protesting over the winter weather here.

"You ready to go?" He ask, his blue eyes trained on mine.

"Ready when you are." I say, staring right back at him in a silent fight.

"Let's go then." Axel motions.

As soon as I take a step, however, Axel's hand comes to rest against my shoulder. His action stops me, so I look back at him confused.

"I'll take it." He says softly, cutting my confusion away instantly.

His hand that rested on my bag strap, now slowly lifts it away from my shoulder.

"I can do it." I answer back, not wanting him to have to carry my bag.

"I want to." He says, slipping my bag off my shoulder like it doesn't weigh anything. His arm muscles ripple as they drag the bag onto his own shoulder.

Just as we're about to leave, Axel's phone begins ringing.

He looks at me guiltily before explaining, "Sorry, it's Coach." Before answering his phone.

He mumbles away on the phone and I only hear trace of yeah and can't it wait before he ends the call.

"Sorry, I left my stuff at the stadium so that I could just get it tomorrow, but there's apparently new rules that I can't do that anymore. I'll just get it after I drop you off." He says, nodding.

Cooking With The QB ✔️ Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora