Ch 29: Good Luck

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Evie POV:

After fucking me senseless again Asmos insisted on a shower.

More accurately he insisted on showering with me, which meant feeling me up, fucking me against the shower wall, and then washing my hair for me.

It was weirdly relaxing.

Lying across his chest playing on my phone was peaceful.

A nice escape from life.

I glanced at him, watching those blue eyes of his scan the pages of some book he seemed vastly interested in.

They were beautiful, piercing sapphire incased in a ring of smoke. Intense even when scanning the pages of a book.

I took a peek at the leather bound cover and almost rolled my eyes. "The Art of War?"

His gaze flicked up at me briefly before returning to his book. "It was written by Sun Tzu in 5th century BCE."

I arched a brow at him, "so some long dead guys book on war?"

"It is considered the worlds guideline to war, even today. He was a brilliant man."

Of course he was. Of course thats the kinda thing Asmos likes to read, "cool."

"Its my favorite book, you should read it sometime."

A war guide is his favorite book. Of fucking course. "Uh but we aren't at war?"

"We are always at war."

Whelp. There goes fun Asmos. Apparently when you drain his dick his decent personality leaves too.

Still... If I plan on being the first female Alpha I'm gonna have a lot of people trying to stop me. A strategy or two wouldn't kill me. "Okay. Yeah maybe I'll check it out."

"You should, it will be good for you to know these things incase you are attacked. There are a lot of wolves who would like to see me dead and hurting you would be seen as a close second. Or bait."

Right. How nice. "Okay."

He nodded once, "You can use my copy when we return to my pack."

Or buy it on amazon when I get home.


His eyes dropped to my phone, "what have you been playing little one?"

The nickname still irked me.

"Just one of those stupid solitaire games." I showed him my phone screen, "I get bored easily."

He hummed a bit before returning his gaze to his book, "you are an interesting she wolf."

"Because I play solitaire on my phone?"

"Because you are not what I expected."

I laughed a little tossing my phone on the bed, "I assume you wanted a mate with a submissive personality and a loving attitude?"

"I didn't want a mate."

I tilted his book down with my index finger, "baby. I didn't either but fuck you're fun."

"You only think so because of how hard I make you come."

True. Very true. "Well...I dont know you other than that and you like to read about war and you are a psychotic murderer."

"I am a strategist and I am not psychotic little one I simply know what must be done for my pack."

"With a lot of blood?" I arched a brow, "okay you totally sane hunk of man, tell me something about yourself then?"

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