Chapter 1

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Rain lashes against the window pane, and I look out from under my blanket at the gloomy sky. Summer vacation is coming to an end but you wouldn't know that by looking at the weather. This past summer has been one of the wettest New York has seen in a long time. Not that I'm complaining. Nothing better than curling up in bed with a good book and listening to the steady rhythm of the raindrops. Can't forget about all the hot coffee opportunities too. My sisters get on me about drinking hot drinks during the summertime but they just don't understand the comfort it brings. 

Speaking of books, I look back down at the sappy romance novel in my hands. Re-reading actually. Out of the numerous books I own, you can tell this is one is a favorite by the well worn binding and the dog eared pages. You would think that I would get tired of reading about a fictional characters happy ending but there's something about losing myself in someone else's story that helps me forget about the reality of mine.

Before I can really sink back into the story, there is a distinct crash from what was clearly the kitchen and I drag myself out of my cozy fort of blankets to find out what happened. I run down the stairs, nearly slipping in my fuzzy socks in my haste, and find my dad standing in his 'kiss the chef' apron and a bowl of what appears to be mashed potatoes covering the hard wood floor.

"Uh, what happened?" I question, careful not to step in white mush as I walk around the mess.

"I was trying out this new mixer and clearly it decided it doesn't like mashed potatoes." Dad explains, still holding the wooden spoon he had been using to stir with. I sigh, he tries so hard. Ever since my mom died a few years back, my dad has tried his best to raise my sisters and I the best he can on his own. I will say, he's done a pretty good job so far. None of us have died, anyway. My older sister, Thalia, appears in the doorway.

"Oh, Dad. You should have let me make the potatoes. You know how particular Hazel is about them." Thalia says, grabbing a stack of paper towels from the kitchen island and starts to clean up. 

"Where is Hazel?" I ask, taking a bite of one of the carrots on the cutting board. I watch in amusement as my dad tries to salvage his dish, spending a good five minutes on just peeling a single potato, before surrendering.

"I have been defeated by a spud. And your sister is out at the arcade. Who knows why in this weather?" Dad says as he hands over the peeler to Thalia. She takes to the task naturally, getting through half the bag like it's nothing. If you know Thalia, you wouldn't think that cooking would be high on her list of things she's good at. It's one of those hidden talents of hers. I munch on more carrots, even though I don't particularly like them. The clock above the foyer ticks and I focus on the hands rotating the numbers. 

The front door opens and two people enter. One is my younger sister, looking like a drowned cat with her brown curls flattened from the rain. And the second is our next door neighbor and Thalia's boyfriend, Luke.

Luke Castellan. Luke and I have been best friends since elementary school. Or we were, before he started dating my sister. We still hang out of course but it's not the same. I always feel like a third wheel, which of course I am. I hate when he comes over. I hate the flutters I get in the pit of my stomach when I see him. And I hate the way my heart picks up when he smiles at me.  And I especially hate that I can't do anything about it.

I give a rushed hello to the both of them and flee up the stairs to the safety of my bedroom. I flop backwards on my bed and let the down comforter swallow my small frame. I have to do something about these feelings. Sitting up, I walk over to my desk and flit my hand under to reveal the hidden drawer I'd found a couple years ago. I pull out a bunch of envelopes and stare at them.

My letters. Whenever I get a really bad crush, I write them a letter. This is just a way for me to spill my feelings, though they are for my eyes only. I think I might die if anyone else read them. They're gooey and not at all like me. There are 3 letters. The first one is addressed to Will Solace, a boy I attended the spring fling with in the 6th grade. The second, to Percy Jackson, the boy who stole my first kiss during a game of truth or dare in the 8th grade. And the last, to Luke. I pull out the one for Luke and run my eyes through the words I wrote a year ago. The way his blond hair flops into his eyes when it gets too long, his piercing blue eyes.

I sense movement behind me and hastily stuff the letters into the drawer and spin around. Hazel is standing in my doorway, looking suspicious.

"What are you doing?" She asks, peering around me to try and see.

"Nothing." I say evasively. Hazel is too nosy for her own good.

"Dinner is ready. Thalia managed to save it, like usual." Hazel tells me and her golden eyes sweep my room. It's chaos in here, clothes and books everywhere. Most people thrive in a clean environment, but me? I thrive in the mess. It comforts me. I know where everything is. My dad gave up trying to get me to keep it clean years ago, though Thalia still tries. 

Following her down to the first floor and into the dining room, I see Thalia and Luke are already sitting down. They're talking in hushed tones. I avoid Luke's eyes and sit down next to Hazel. Dad enters, balancing a plate of chicken in one hand and the salvaged mashed potatoes in the other. He sets them down and we all serve ourselves.

Dinner is a quiet affair. The topic that everyone is avoiding is right at the tip of our tongues. Thalia is leaving for college in a week, all the way in Greece.

"I can't believe it's going to be Christmas the next time we see you. I'll have to deal with dad's cooking and Annabeth's driving." Hazel complains.

"Hey, I'm getting better!" I say defensively. That's hardly the truth though, I'm still terrified of cars. Thalia rolls her eyes at the both of us.

"I think you'll survive." Dad says, pointing his fork at her.

"I have a surprise!" Luke announces. This can't be good, he has that look on his face. The one that tells me that he's been planning something. He pulls a paper out of his pocket and hands it to Thalia. She opens it up and her face pales.

"What is it?" I ask.

"It's a plane ticket." Thalia responds, her voice small. Something is wrong. If Luke bought a plane ticket to visit her in Greece, then she should be excited.

"Yeah, I figured that since you can't come here for thanksgiving, I could come to you!" Luke says happily, not noticing her expression. He can be pretty oblivious sometimes. 

"Luke, maybe we should talk. Outside." Thalia says and she gets up and leaves the room. Luke looks confused but follows her out. I share a look with dad, we both know the context of that conversation. Thalia hasn't said it to any of us, but we know that she's been doing a lot of thinking regarding her relationship with Luke lately. Thalia hates it but she's always been very easy to read. She wears her emotions on her face. 

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