Chapter 6

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I literally tossed and turned all night, resulting in me looking even more like a zombie than normal. I groan my way through the day, relying on the coffee Piper managed to sneak in. That girl, I swear. She's always finding ways to sneak in food and drinks from off campus. She doesn't even have a car. What Percy said last night kept me up. The more I thought about it, the more I want to do it. But it's such a ridiculous idea. Nobody would honestly believe that Percy would date me? But Rachel giving me dagger eyes every time she passed me today made up my mind. I'd really like to stick it to the bitch.

I text Hazel to let her know that I won't be able to pick her up on time this afternoon and wait for the last bell to ring. I know Percy has swim practice this afternoon because Piper was complaining to me about how Jason canceled their plans last minute because of practice. Since Percy is the captain, I don't think he'd miss it.

I pace outside the gym, where the swimming pool is located. I've never actually been in the swimming area, never having had a reason to go in there before. It's been 45 minutes since the school day ended so I'm sure that the practice will be wrapping up soon. I mean, how long does it take to perfect ones backstroke? Deciding not to wait out in the hall, I slip into the gym and follow the loud noises that can only be coming from a group of teenage guys. The pool is in a back room, separated from the rest of the gym. I enter and see 12 pairs of eyes on me. Feeling a little exposed, I sit down on the bleachers and wait patiently. Eventually, all the swimmers left for the locker room, Jason nodding at me as he passes and then it's just Percy and I.

"What's up, Chase?" He asks and I try really hard to focus on his face and not his dripping wet and shirtless body.

"I'm in." I say and he smiles broadly.

"Yes! I knew you would be."

"But we have to have rules! I've written up a contract. We can each state a few things that we want out of this 'relationship'." I add air quotes when I say relationship. Percy rolls his eyes at me. I pull out the paper I'd written up while I was busy waiting and by now most of the guys are back, changed out of their swim trunks.

"Time to make it official." Percy says before leaning in and kissing me. It catches me by surprise and I don't have a chance to react before he pulls away.

"Meet me outside at the picnic tables." He says before going to the locker room to change. I stand there, still a little shocked from the kiss. Some of the guys smirk at me as they pass. I follow them out and find the picnic tables in the front of our school. Percy joins me after about 5 minutes.

"Ok, so what are these rules you were spouting about earlier?" Percy asks, sitting across from me. He folds his hands together in front of him like we are at a business meeting. Which I guess this is kind is.

"Rule number 1: you have to drive me and my little sister to and from school everyday. Hazel has taken to wearing a bike helmet when I drive and I'm tired of the condescending action. Rule number 2: no kissing." I say and Percy makes a noise that sounds like a drowning cat.

"I can't kiss you? Nobody is going to believe that we are actually a couple if I can't kiss you." He points out. He's probably right.

"Well unlike you, I've never actually been in a relationship and I don't want all my firsts to be fake. So no kisses for you." Percy scowls but agrees.

"How are we going to convince people then?" He asks. I think about it for a second and the perfect idea comes to mind.

"You can put your hand in my back pocket. Very retro." I say. I saw it in a movie but I'm not going to tell him that. He looks skeptical but nods.

"Ok, my turn. Rule number 1: you have to come to my swim meets and accompany me at parties. Rule number 2: you have to come with me on the ski trip this December." I swallow when he mentions the ski party. It's exclusive to the sports teams only and they're usually allowed to bring one guest. It's common knowledge that most kids lose their virginity there, more than the homecoming and prom combined.

"You anticipate this lasting until December?" It's my turn to look skeptical.

"How about we set that as a finish line thing?" He suggests. I doubt that we will make it that long but I agree. We both sign on the dotted line, and I fold the contract up. I stretch my hand across the table and he laughs at my formality but shakes anyway.

"Until tomorrow, Chase." Percy gives me his famous troublemaker smile and lopes off towards the parking lot.

What the hell did I just get myself into?

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