Chapter 7

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My phone starts ringing right as I close the front door. I fish it out of my pocket and the caller ID shows me it's Piper that's calling. I sigh before answering.


"What the hell, Chase?" Piper practically shouts through the phone. I hold it out from my ear, wincing. That is pretty much Piper's mantra. I hear it at least once a day.

"There go my eardrums. What are you on about now?" I ask strolling through the foyer into the living room. Hazel is watching reruns of some teen show and it looks like dad isn't home yet.

"Tell me why I had to hear from Jason that PERCY JACKSON kissed you at their swim practice? I need details!" Piper demands.

I run up the stairs to my room before answering so Hazel doesn't overhear.

"I don't know what to say other than he kissed me and it was a surprise." I explain, hoping that'll suffice. Of course, it doesn't and Piper continues to harass me.

"Piper! Look, just pay attention at school tomorrow and you'll have all the answers!" I tell her and I quickly hang up before she asks me anything else.

I wake up the next morning petrified. I'm about to reveal to the whole school that Percy and I are "dating" and I don't know it I'm up to it. I'm debating about calling it a mental heath day and spending it in bed when a loud car horn comes from outside. I move the sheer curtains on my window slightly to see who's honking and Percy is parked in front of the house. His beat up old pickup is in contrast with the neighborhood, looking out of place near the perfectly manicured lawns of my neighbors. My heart picks up much to my annoyance and I race to get ready.

"Where's the fire?" Dad calls as I thunder down the stairs. Hazel is already ready, seeing as I wasted about 15 minutes of the morning deciding if it was worth it to get out of bed. She goes for the helmet that has taken up residence on the coat hanger in the foyer.

"You won't need that today." I tell her and she glances up at me with a skeptical look. I shove her through the front door before our dad comes to find out why we haven't left yet and her eyes find Percy's truck.

"Who is that?" She asks. I don't answer her and instead start walking towards the truck. It's October and is already cold, the leaves have started falling and I can hear them crunching under my feet. His truck doesn't have a backseat but since Hazel gets dropped off first, I have to sit in the middle. I ignore the slight blush on my face as Percy bids us good morning.

"Hi, I'm Hazel. I'm sorry, but my sister is rude and told me nothing about you." Hazel starts, not even bothering to be nice. I go to elbow her but she wedges her backpack between us so all I get is a smarting elbow and no satisfaction. 

"Really? You didn't tell your sister about your own boyfriend?" Percy says in a perfected fake surprise voice, raising his eyebrows at me. I wish Hazel would take the bus.

"Boyfriend!?" Hazel sounds equally surprised. I glare at her.

"Don't sound so shocked." I mutter and Percy chuckles.  We drop Hazel off at her school and head up to the high school. Upon parking, Percy comes around the side of his truck and opens the door for me. Slightly overwhelmed by the gesture, I just smile awkwardly at him and hope that he doesn't notice.

"What, you've never had a date open your door before?" He teases.

"Never been on a date." I answer honestly.

"Really? But you're beautiful." Percy says and I can't help but notice that he's being completely honest. He blushes when he realizes what he said and I give him a genuine smile. Looking around the parking lot, I see that there are a lot of kids staring at us.

"Everyone is staring." I point out. Percy looks around and then pulls something out of his pocket. I take the little note and it has my name messily printed on it.

"Rachel was always on me to write little notes to her but I could never be bothered. So I figured if she saw me giving some to you, it'd really get to her." He says and I nod, remembering that he's only in this to make his ex jealous. I shove the note in my pocket without reading it, not sure if he even wrote anything. 

"I'll see you outside the cafeteria? Remember, just like we planned." I say. He nods, gives me a blinding smile and heads off in the direction of his locker. I ignore the looks from the other students and find my own.

The lunch bells rings and I grab my bag. Pushing my chair out and standing up, somebody bumps my shoulder and my glasses fall onto the floor. I reach down but a hand beats me to it. I stand up so fast my head spins and I find myself staring into the green eyes that floated in and out of my dreams last night.

"I believe these belong to you?" Percy says and he gently places them on my face. I push the bridge up nervously.

"What are you doing here?" I squeak out, embarrassed that my voice gave out on me.

"Walking my girlfriend to lunch. You know, like devoted boyfriends do." He says sarcastically. I shove his arm playfully and we leave the now empty classroom. Most of the school is already in the cafeteria and the halls are mostly clear. We pass Luke on the way though and he looks at us with a strange face, like he doesn't believe what he's seeing. I meet his eyes and find them hardened. Luke has always been a gentle soul and I'm shocked to see such anger in his expression. He doesn't say anything to us though and we meet nobody else on the way.

"Are you ready?" Percy asks. I shoulder my bag and nod. He slips his hand in the back pocket of my jeans and we enter the cafeteria.

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