Chapter 16

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I have to drag myself out of bed this morning. I was up way too late thinking about what had happened yesterday. I realized that without even trying, I'd fallen for Percy. Hard. And he's never going to like me back because he's still not over Rachel. I don't know who I'm kidding at this point. I'm not sure if I can face him this morning but unfortunately I have to turn in that stupid paper.

"Woah. You look like hell." Luke greets me downstairs. Why is he here and who let him in? My dad leaves early on Monday mornings. Hazel was asleep when I passed her bedroom. Or so she led me to believe.

"Good morning to you too. What are you doing here?" I ask, yawning widely. The last time we talked, it hadn't exactly gone well.

"I saw how upset you were when you came home yesterday and I want to make sure that you are ok. Things might be a little weird between us right now but I still care about you." He says, handing me a cup of coffee. I take a sip and feel the warmth spreading through my body. I already feel more awake.

"Well, I am not ok. But I will be so don't worry about it." I say, sipping more coffee.

"Is it you and Percy?" Luke asks, clearly trying to be a supportive friend.

"Yes. I think that Percy isn't over Rachel and I don't know if it's going to work between us. How can a person be with someone else while not being over another person?" I sigh. Luke gives me a hug and I take comfort in the familiarity of the action.

"Come on, you can't let her win. I know what Rachel is really like, she's a two faced bitch. Do you like Percy?"

"Yes. More than I realized." I admit, looking down at the swirling coffee in my mug. This is so awkward to talk about with him but it feels like old times. Before he dated Thalia.

"I'm not one for relationship advise, look how well my last one went. But if you really like him, then don't you deserve to fight for him?" Luke asks softly. I look him in the eye and see that he's being sincere about wanting to help me out. I know he's right, but why should I fight for someone who doesn't have any real feelings for me?

"Can we just get to school?" I ask, not wanting to continue this conversation. Hazel has an appointment today and is playing hooky, so it's just Luke and I leaving the house. Percy is waiting in his truck, like usual.

"Do you want me to get rid of him? I can give you a ride to school." Luke asks, his eyes narrowing in his direction. I sigh, because even though I hate myself for feeling this way, I really want to see Percy. And that is why I can't go with him this morning.

"Yes please." I trudge down the yard and climb into Luke's car next door. Luke goes over to Percy to tell him that his driving services won't be needed. I can't hear the words being said but someone's voice raises and I groan. Maybe I should have talked to Percy instead.

The ride to school is a silent one. Luke hops out and I get out after a few seconds. I should explain this to Percy. Who happens to be walking over here. Luke gives me a look and then leaves.

"What is going on this morning? What do you think people are going to think when they see my girlfriend riding in with another guy?" Percy asks, bewildered. I can't stand it anymore. I steel myself and look up at his perfect face. His brows are knitted together in confusion and his mouth is slightly open.

"Listen, Luke and I are good now and Rachel is clearly pissed off enough. Neither of us thought that this would last this long, obviously. I think that we should just end this. No need to carry on." My voice breaks. This is harder then I thought.

"Wait, are you trying to break up with me? Before the ski trip? That's this weekend. It's in the contract, you have to come!" Percy takes my hand, and I'm too selfish to pull away.

"Why now? Why can't we just end this after the ski trip?" Percy tries to look at me but I keep my face on the ground. The parking lot is filling up now and the other students are staring at us. How do I explain to him that I've developed real feelings and that I can't be with him because it hurts that he doesn't feel the same way back? Percy places his hand under my chin and gently lifts my head up so that I meet his eyes. They're filled with hurt and I don't understand why. This was his idea and it's clearly worked out for him.

"Please come with me?" He asks, his voice pleading. I really shouldn't allow myself to get hurt anymore but despite it hurting being near him, it would hurt more to be away from him. So I nod, agreeing to go. He seems happy and we walk into school together, me hiding how I really feel.

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