Chapter 19

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The ride home is uneventful. The atmosphere throughout the bus is subdued, it's like going back to school after summer vacation; the fun is over. Though I have a feeling my fun is just beginning. I spend most of the ride thinking about what happened this weekend. I'm still a little stunned. My lips feel like they belong to a whole different person, though I don't even know what that means. Piper keeps looking back at me and asking me why I'm smiling. I don't know why I haven't told her. Maybe it's because I don't want to jinx whatever this is. Are we dating for real now? Do we start over or just pick up where we already were letting everyone see? I should talk to Percy about this and probably Piper too. Funny how this all worked out.

Percy's head is still on my shoulder when we arrive at our school's parking lot. I nudge him awake softly. He looks really cute when he's just waking up. I notice a line of drool down his face and stifle a laugh.

"You drool when you sleep." I giggle and his eyes go wide. He wipes hastily at his chin, his ears going pink as if embarrassed. I hug my coat closer as we step off, it's windy and a huge shock after being on the warm bus and having sat extremely close to another warm body.

"I'm going to go get our bags. Be right back." Percy says and he pecks my cheek. Piper sends me two thumbs up before she leaves with Jason. Rachel saunters over to me and I am not really in the mood for her to damper my day. Knowing her though, whatever she has to say will.

"What do you want?" I ask before she gets the chance to speak.

"I just wanted to say that Percy is so lucky to have such a trusting girlfriend such as yourself and that I appreciate how accepting you are of our continued friendship. I know most girls would freak out if their boyfriend had shared a room with another girl, even more so if it were his ex. I hope you had a fun weekend too!" She gives me a falsely sweet smile and walks away. I'm too stunned to move. What the hell? Percy actually shared a room with her last night? I knew that this was too good to be true. For some reason my eyes are stinging but I refuse to cry. This is my own fault. I never should have agreed to do this whole stupid thing.

Percy comes back with our bags and I take mine wordlessly. I can't even look at him, because I know that if I do, I will cry and that will just make this mess even worse. I stare down at the ground. When did I become such an emotional being? I'm not used to feeling like this and it's strange territory.

"Hey, are you ok?" Percy asks, sounding worried. I steel myself and look up. He's frowning at me, his face full of concern. He should be concerned about his personal safety after I'm done with him. My hurt is turning into anger and I've been told that I'm scary when I'm angry.

"Please tell me that Rachel was lying just to mess with me about you two sharing a room last night." I say through clenched teeth. He closes his eyes and that just confirms it for me.

"Yup. I am so stupid! I can't believe you!" I say. He opens his eyes and opens his mouth, probably just to tell me some lame excuse.

"No, don't even bother. I'm done, this is done." I tell him angrily. I start to walk away from him but he grabs my arm.

"Annabeth, wait-" He starts but I wrench my arm free and fix him with a death stare.

"We are done." I say with a note of finality, letting him know that I am not going to talk about it with him anymore.

"I drove you here, let me drive you home and I can explain. It's not what you think!" He pleads.

"I'd rather walk, thank you." And with that I walk away. I don't live far enough for me to call for a ride home but I am shivering by the time I make it to the house. I've managed not to cry and I'm proud of myself. I'm thinking that I'm just going to go up to my room and wallow in a ocean of self pity but when I open the front door, my plan goes out the window.

The whole downstairs looks like Christmas threw up. There are garlands around the spindles of the staircase, fairy lights are strewn up everywhere, and there is a large, fully decorated Christmas tree in the corner of the living room. I'm still standing in the foyer looking at everything when Hazel comes out of the kitchen.

"You're home!" She announces and gives me a hug. I come out of my trance and return the hug, a little surprised because Hazel doesn't usually give me hugs.

"What happened in here? Both you and dad have no decorating skills." I ponder.

"I know right? It was a mess when I got here." A voice says and I spin around to see Thalia standing on the bottom step on the stairs.

"Thalia! You're here!" I say and we both run at each other. It feels like something is finally going right when we embrace. I didn't realize how much I've missed her until now. I inhale her familiar scent and the events of this weekend come crashing down on me and I sniffle.

"What's the matter?" Thalia asks, wiping away the few tears that have leaked out with her thumbs.

"I just missed you, that's all." I lie.

"So, how is school?" I ask, steering the conversation away from me. Thalia launches into a passionate description of how awesome it is and we migrate to the living room. In no time, it feels like she never left. The door bell rings and I have a feeling I know who's out there.

"That's probably Percy." Hazel says and I inwardly groan.

"Who is Percy? Does my little sister have a boyfriend?" Thalia questions. I send Hazel a 'thank you' glare while getting up from the couch.

"No, she does not." I grumble. I look through the peep hole and my suspicion is confirmed. Percy is standing on my porch, looking very dejected indeed. I take a second to decide if I want to open the door or not. I'm still very upset about the fact that he lied to me and that I allowed myself to get caught in this web of feelings but at the same time I want to hear him out. I'm only human and despite feeling so angry, I still want to see him.

Taking a deep breathe, I open the door and look into the face of the first boy I've loved.

More Than Just A Little White Lie~ A Percabeth AUWhere stories live. Discover now