Chapter 8

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All eyes are on us as we walk together, and I'm surprised at how easily we fall into step with each other. The notion feels comfortable. We come to a stop and I look up at Percy. He's looking down at me, being a good 6 inches taller. I give a convincing smile and go to sit at my regular table with Piper but I feel a tug as I move away and Percy gracefully spins me by my butt pocket. My arms up, I fall gently onto his chest and have to remind myself how to breathe again. He leans down to whisper in my ear, though my hair covers it up and to an outsider it would just look like he is kissing my cheek. Damn, he's smooth.

"Good job, Chase." He breathes out and flashes me that troublemaking smile when he leans away. I stand there for a second, forgetting what I'm supposed to do. I feel a tug on my arm and allow Piper to drag me over to a table. I plop down next to her and I shake my head to clear it. Joining us are a couple of our other friends, Calypso and Juniper, both girls I've known since middle school and are good friends. We occasionally hang out outside of school but I mostly just chill with Piper on weekends.

"What the fuck?" Piper starts and I just stare at her.

"You and Jackson are an item now? You couldn't have just said that over the phone last night?" She asks, incredulous.

"Why is everyone so shocked that I have a boyfriend and even more so that it's Percy?" I grumble.

"Maybe because you're a hermit and wouldn't admit the giant crush you had on Luke." Calypso says.

"I did not have a giant crush on Luke!" I lie, a little miffed. Calypso looks unconvinced.

"So how did it happen? He like, just broke up with Rachel." Juniper asks. I am not prepared for this question and I have to do some quick thinking.

"I don't really know? Maybe he liked me before he broke up with her. I was at the book store last week and he showed up and we just got to talking. He asked me to meet him at his swim practice yesterday and he asked me to be his girlfriend." I lie, hoping that it sounds plausible enough.

"How cute! You guys make a very attractive couple." Calypso says, clasping her hands together. I snort at her words.

"Think what you want Annabeth, but you're hot. If I weren't straight as an arrow, I'd totally date you. Jackson traded up." Calypso says, a sweet smile on her face. That is nice of her to say but I don't completely believe that myself. I don't think I'm ugly, per say, but hot? That's a matter of opinion.

I look up and find Rachel staring at me, her eyes murderous.

"Looks like Rachel knows." I say and the girls follow my gaze. If looks could kill.......


Ding ding! The doorbell goes off and I wipe my flour covered hands on the apron I'm wearing and go to answer it. I find Percy standing on my porch, dressed up a little more than what he usually wears to school.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him, too stunned to think to invite him in. It's the weekend and I didn't expect to see him until Monday.

"Are you going to let me in or no..." He trails off, shoving his hands in his pockets. I open the door wide enough for him to pass and I catch a whiff of a slight sea scent as he does, something I'd never noticed before. His head swivels around as he takes in my house. We don't live in anything fancy, just a simple two story cottage. My mom decorated it in a clean look, light colors and there's a ton of greek elements. Nobody has had the heart to change anything.

"Nice place. Lot bigger than my apartment." Percy notes and then he looks down at me. He takes in the apron and I'm sure that my face is a mess too. My hair is up in a messy bun and my glasses are resting on the top of my head. I don't have bad enough vision to where I can't see anything when I'm not wearing them.

"Am I interrupting something?"

"I'm trying to make cookies." I say, following him as he leads the way into the kitchen. Now that I see it, I've made a huge mess. There's flour everywhere and at least two batches of burnt cookies in a pile.

"And failing.." Percy says, stifling a laugh.

"Don't laugh! I'm not one for baking but neither is my dad and Hazel needs some for her class tomorrow." I exclaim.

"So why isn't she down here helping you?" Percy asks, taking one of the less brunt cookies and stuffing it in his mouth. I stare at him in disgust.

"You've never tried to get Hazel to do something she doesn't want to do." I explain. Hazel is the master of getting out of things. I swear it's like she twists realities sometimes.

"Back to my original question: what are you doing here?" I ask him again.

"Connor and Travis are having a party tonight. As per our contract, you have to come with me." Percy says with a smug smirk. I groan.

"Ugh, I hate parties. Do I really have to come?" I whine, and Percy laughs at my complaining. Hazel appears in the doorway.

"Hello, boy with the truck. You never told me your name." Hazel addresses Percy.

"Percy Jackson." He introduces himself and holds out his hand.

"No need for the formality, save that for our dad." Hazel states. Fuck, I forgot about dad.

"What are you guys doing?" She asks.

"Well, I'm trying to get your sister to go with me to a party, but apparently she's too cool for them. Plus she's too busy murdering these cookies." Percy tells her.

"Trust me, Annabeth's coolness factor is a solid 4. She's super smart but her people skills aren't up to par. Now that you mention it, a party would be perfect for her to brush up on that. I can finish the cookies. I know how to watch the clock in order to not burn them." Hazel says smoothly. I groan loudly at the two of them bonding over my awkwardness. Hazel undoes the apron and shoves me out of the kitchen. I stomp up the stairs, grumbling about pushy sisters.

I have no clue what to wear to a party, so I just put on something similar to what I'm already wearing. Just not covered in flour. I guess I should do something with my hair though. I undo the bun and my curls tumble down. I don't feel like dealing with them so I redo the bun, making it slightly more elegant that before. After applying some eyeliner, I go to add some mascara and manage to poke myself in the eye more than once.

"Shit!" I say, blinking rapidly. This will have to do. Most kids at these parties are too drunk to notice anyway.

"Ok, I'm ready." I announce once I go back downstairs. To my horror, my dad is now home and all three of them are laughing about something in the kitchen.

"All right you two, have fun tonight. But not too much fun." Dad looks pointedly at Percy and then at me. God, this cannot be more embarrassing.

"Don't worry Mr. Chase, it's just a few of us hanging around and playing some pool in a basement. Nothing crazy." Percy charms the pants off my dad and by the time we reach the front door, he's told Percy to call him Frederick. Don't go getting too attached, dad.

More Than Just A Little White Lie~ A Percabeth AUWhere stories live. Discover now