A Bar In France

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The French bar is alight with melody and laughter. A man in a casual shirt and jeans sits at the piano, his fingers moving rhythmically over the keys. People surround him, drinking wine and talking loudly.

The man's girlfriend had just walked away to take her break, leaving him alone at the piano.

A blonde woman walks in. She is young and radiates happiness. Her body is slim and strong, her arms muscular and accented under her loose blouse. The man can see a faint scar on the curve of her neck, accompanied by more over her ears.

She looks around, her eyebrows knitted in confusion. She goes up to the bar, clumsily ordering herself a drink in broken French. With a drink in her hand, she settles next to the piano, her eyes roaming around the room.

The man finishes his tune and receives applause. The woman joins, her eyes settled on him. As he begins the next song, she leans forward. "Do you, by chance, speak English?" she asks, her voice thick with an accent he can't quite place.

"I do," he responds with a smile.

She reciprocates the gesture with a relieved sigh. "I'm on my way to Russia for a teaching seminar, and I had a layover here. In about," She frowns, glancing at her watch. "seven hours, I have to get on a plane. Thought I'd enjoy the city, but it seems all the French I've learned in school has floated away."

The man laughs. "You're welcome to stay here."

The woman's eyes soften for a moment. "You remind me of someone."

He raises an eyebrow. "Oh?"

"My brother," she says, taking a sip of her drink. "He had the kind of face that you trust. I get the same feeling from you."

"I'm flattered," he says. He pauses as he mulls over her words. "'He had?'"

The woman glances down and begins to fiddle with the ring on her finger. "Yes, there was an accident about almost two years ago. I haven't seen him since. He just left without a word."

"Seems like a bad brother," the man scoffs.

"No, he was always kind and helpful. He just needed to go his own way." The woman stares at him with big, blue eyes. "I understand that."

The man shrugs.

"I also recently realized I never got to thank him for some very good things. There was a time when I wasn't myself," the woman glances at her hands, her shoulders folding in. "and he helped me remember who I always wanted to be. He did it in a bad way, some may say he went overboard, but it was what I needed. I needed to remember myself, and he helped me. I will forever be grateful."

"Did he ever apologize for it?" The man asks. "For going too far?"

"No," The woman shakes her head. "but he never needed to. It was the right thing to do. Even my husband, who is just a tad protective, understands that."

They sit in comfortable silence. The man continues to play and the woman nods along.

"I must confess something," the woman says suddenly. She leans in, a conspiratorial glint in her eye. "Can you keep a secret?"

The man nods, playing into her fantasy.

"I'm not here for business."

The man opens his mouth, but she cuts him off.

"I am here before I leave for Russia, I swear." She defends, putting her hands in front of her. "However, I did want to stop in France. I heard that brother of mine was here. I had some things to show him."

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