Walking Around the Devil

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The Salvatore School for Gifted Youths is large and daunting. Luckily for Lexi, the large yard is enough for her children to not want to explore the school.

Before her, Teddy and Hope run around. The five-year-old jumps up and down, using his increasing speed to try and outrun his cousin. Hope, now nine years old, races after him, laughing. Teddy is scooped up by Derek, who then runs across the field, causing Hope to laugh even more.

Lexi stands next to a wooden bench dedicated to Stefan Salvatore, the man who died saving the town. Lexi had visited his grave, sharing a beer with him as a goodbye.

A tap at Lexi's leg turns her attention away from her boys. She looks down with a smile. Stella grins up at her and taps her leg. "Alright, little witch," Lexi says, taking her hands. "Let's go on a walk."

Stella giggles as Lexi allows her to step on her feet. Lexi steps forward with Stella's tiny foot, saying, "Bump!"

"Bup!" Stella squeals.

Each step is accompanied by the sound, causing Stella to giggle more and more. Her piercing blue eyes look up at her mother with each movement.

Lexi smiles down before she glances over at her husband. Teddy is pulling one arm while Hope pulls the other. Derek picks them both up, one child per arm, with a shout. They both laugh. The entire time, Derek is grinning at Lexi.

"We did good," she whispers.

He nods just before Teddy kicks his chest. Derek drops the kids with a groan. They tackle him to the ground before he can do anything.

Lexi laughs, continuing her walk with her daughter, until her phone rings. She frowns at the caller before picking up Stella. The girl whines but ultimately snuggles into Lexi's arms.

"Hello, Niklaus," Lexi greets. Derek glances back at her in interest. She waves him off, pointing at Hope.

"Hope, why don't we all go inside for some food? You can show us your room?" Derek suggests.

Hope grins, leading them off with a wave at Lexi.

"Hello, sister," Klaus says. "How are you?"

"Perfect," Lexi states, sarcasm dripping in her voice.

"How are the children?"

"Niklaus," Her voice is light and calm as she bounces Stella on her hip. "You did not call me to ask about my children, who you have ignored for the past two years."

"I have not ignored them!"

"I'm disappointed," Lexi says, settling on the bench. "Your lies have lost their charm."

Stella releases a loud whine, tugging on Lexi's shoulder. The mother frowns, adjusting her grip. Stella continues to whimper on the verge of tears.

"The littlest one is upset, I see." Klaus chuckles. "She looks hungry."

Lexi straightens her back as Hope and Teddy run back outside. She can faintly hear that they locked Derek in Hope's room.

"You can't be here," she hisses, standing and looking around.

"I'm not too close, Lexi. I'm not an idiot."

"I beg to differ." Lexi's eyes finally land on a faraway tree. It resembles a large oak from her past. A shadow creeps out from behind it.

She lets Stella down with a kiss on her forehead. She points to the tree and Stella grins. The little witch waddles over to the tree, giggles escaping her lips.

"Boo!" Stella exclaims as she jumps next to the tree.

Lexi walks over, hanging up the phone. When she reaches the tree, she steps behind it and out of view. "Hello, Nik."

Klaus grins down at her with his famous Mikaelson smile. "She's cuter than you are," he says, motioning to Stella. The baby responds with her own grin as Lexi picks her up.

"What are you doing here?" Lexi demands, her voice hushed. "You cannot be near Hope—"

"I had to make sure she's alright," Klaus admits, looking down. "She saw something she shouldn't have, and I needed to know that she was ok."

Lexi's expression softens. "I've been keeping track of you. Everyone you've colored."

"Colored?" He repeats.

"There is a certain action I'd rather my daughter not know the word for yet," Lexi says, balancing Stella on her hip. "Colored is now the word for killed." She mouths the word and Stella laughs.

"The coloring is random." Klaus glances around the tree to see Teddy and Hope playing in the grass. "He looks like he's happy with his werewolf speed."

"Niklaus," He turns back to her. "I know what you're doing. You have to stop coloring our enemies. They are gone."

"They can still cause chaos!" Klaus exclaims. He looks around before lowering his voice. "I do this— color our enemies and everyone related to them—Hope is safe. You are safe. You should be thanking me."

"Our enemies, I am fine with you—" Lexi frowns at Stella who is nibbling on her own hands. "I'm fine with you coloring of them, but their descendants are not the bad guys. They are normal."

Klaus shakes his head. "You can't stop me."

Lexi nods. "You need to leave before she finds you." Her eyes lock on a flower not three feet away. The once vibrant plant is now wilted and discolored. "It's taking its toll. Go."

Klaus looks out at his daughter.

"Niklaus, so help me, leave before I make you."

Klaus hangs his head low. "Stella looks beautiful, by the way. You'll raise her well."

With a rush of air, he runs away from the school.

Lexi sighs, letting her body relax. All of a sudden, a small girl and boy jump in front of Lexi, yelling, "Boo!"

Lexi starts, jumping back. With wide eyes, she yells, "You devil children!" Stella begins to cackle in her mother's grasp. "All of you!"

"You can't yell at us if you can't catch us!" Teddy shouts before darting away with Hope beside him.

Lexi stomps out from behind the tree. Derek jogs up to her. "They scare you?" He asks.

"Hold Stella."

I think this is so cute, I love it so much.



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