Stella's Fifth Birthday

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Request: Could you do an imagine in which Lexi is upset but in the end Derek cheers her up? - AzaleaLennox

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Children run around the yard, shrill screams and laughter echoing through the air. Stella, wearing a BIRTHDAY GIRL sash, sprints towards the small bouncy castle Derek had rented for the day. She has a huge smile on her face.

Derek watches as Teddy jumps into the bouncy castle after his sister. Both begin to jump and laugh. Derek smiles at their carefree demeanors.

The smell of pizza fills his senses along with the chatter of adults. His pack roams around the yard, mixing with human parents of human friends. It's peaceful. It almost makes Derek let down his guard.

Lexi had walked off a few minutes ago. When he asked if she was ok, she lied and said she was. Then, she disappeared into the house and left Derek to watch the kids.

Although, with all the parents who came with their children, Derek is able to slip into the house and follow Lexi's scent into their bedroom. The long hallway between the kitchen and the room never felt longer. Each picture on the wall took Derek down memory lane: his wedding, Teddy's first birthday, Stella's first steps. He barely keeps it together.

He opens the door to his bedroom to hear soft sniffles. He pauses and sighs. He knew she wasn't ok.

He finds her curled up on the window sill. She wraps a soft blanket around herself, her knees against her chest. She looks out the window and watches the setting sun as silent tears run down her cheeks.

When Derek closes the door behind him, Lexi starts, jumping to look at him. When she sees him, she sighs and relaxes. She tries to discreetly wipe the tears away. "I thought I told you to watch the kids," she says as she leans her head against her knees.

"I thought we said no more lies," he counters. He sits down next to her and silently takes her hand.

She offers him a watery smile. "I am fine," she says as another tear slips down her cheek. Derek wipes it away, gently running his finger down her face. "I swear."

"Then why are you crying?" He asks. He hates it when she cries. If she is crying, something is wrong. And it usually means he'll start crying too.

She sniffles, wiping away another tear. Her grip tightens around his hand. "They didn't come," she says, biting her lip. "No one came."

Derek furrows his eyebrows in confusion. "What do you mean? We have a yard full of kids."

"I don't mean the kids." Lexi shakes her head. "First, I asked Hayley, but Hope can't miss school. Then, Rebekah, but she's off galavanting with Marcel. Kol and Davina are traveling the world, hopelessly in love. Freya and Keelin are keeping New Orleans in balance with Vincent. I can't even ask Elijah. And Nik..." She looks down at her lap as more tears fall. "Nik is massacring half of Europe."

"Lexi," Derek squeezes her hand. "they all have their own lives."

"I know, but their niece is turning five and they couldn't even bother to call her." Lexi's eyes trail to her forgotten phone on the bed. "They all forgot their promise to me, haven't they? It seems I am the only one who honors my vow."

Derek leans his head down, resting it against her legs. Their noses touch as he says, "I'm not going to tell you that it's ok, because it's not. But, I will say that that's life. We all move on with our lives. We should too."

Lexi meets his eyes, letting blue blend with green. "It doesn't seem like they care anymore," she whispers. "I'm always the one who cares too much."

Derek cups her face, wiping a tear away with his thumb. "And I love you for it," he replies. "So, to hell with your family. We will always have each other, Lexi. No matter what. Till forever ends."

A small smile slips onto Lexi's lips. "Always and forever."

A knock sounds at the door, causing both of them to glance away. "Mama?" Stella's head pokes out from behind the wood. "I want cake!"

"Well," Derek turns to his wife. "she is one hundred percent your daughter."

Lexi slaps his arm playfully, a laugh bubbling up from her throat. "She is one hundred percent our daughter, Hale."

He smiles at the sound of her laugh. "Don't forget, you're a Hale now too."

"Mama! Dada!" Stella stomps her foot with a small pout on her face.

"Well, little miss grumpy," Derek stands from the window sill and picks her up. "Maybe you should ask Mommy nicely."

"Please!" Stella whines as she makes her eyes big and sticks out her lip.

Lexi closes her eyes playfully. "Don't give me that look! I can't say no to that look!" Lexi groans. In response, Derek moves Stella closer, so when Lexi peaks at them, she exclaims, "Fine! Time for cake!"

"Yay!" Stella exclaims. "Cake time! Cake time!" 

Sorry for the long wait. Here you go!



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