Death Contraption

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Request: So could they go on a six falgs day and they go on the titan and lexi says she will wait and the kids and derek find out LEXI HALE THE ALL MIGHTY ORGINAL alpha is scared of heights they make her go on it and when they get home she gives them ALL the silent treatment for like a week, Also could they get stuck at the top and still have to go on the ride and that's why they get the silent treatment  -lynette_lee_8642

As the two parents take their kids through the crowds, the amusement park stench invades their senses. The sun beats down on their backs as they navigate the bustling people holding everything from hot dogs to ice cream to prizes won at rigged games. Shrill screams of glee echo through the paved roads as the booms of roller coasters overwhelm bystanders.

"Why did we come here?" Derek grumbles as his two children pull him and his wife to different rides.

Lexi chuckles and shakes her head. "Because they wanted to."

"Can we go on the Ferris wheel later?" Stella asks, clasping her hands in front of her and sticking her lip out. "And get ice cream?"

"What about cotton candy?" Teddy adds. "Can we get that?" The passing arcade catches his attention. "Can we go in there? There's air conditioning!"

Derek looks at Lexi. The blonde considers a moment before she grins. "We'll see, little ones. Right now, we're casing this place in case something happens."

Both of the children groan. "Why can't we just have fun?" Stella stomps her foot.

"Because we're not human and people like to kill us when we least expect it," Derek mutters under his breath.

Lexi slams her foot on top of his.

As he groans in pain, he notices both of his kids are no longer paying attention. He follows their gaze up the tall ride to the big letters spelling: Dead Drop. People shriek as the metal contraption drops them from a height of what has to be at least 40 feet in the air.

"I wanna go on that one," both Teddy and Stella say as they stare with excited eyes.

Derek glances over at Lexi to see her skin paling under the burning sun. "Daddy can go with you on that one," she says.

"No!" Stella whines. "All of us!"

Letting out a nervous chuckle, Lexi shakes her head. "I'll wait for you down here. On the ground. That doesn't move."

"Come on, Lex," Derek whispers as a smirk creeps onto his face. He wraps his arms around her waist and tucks his face into her neck. "It'll be a fun family bonding activity. You love those, don't you?"

"You can do it with them," Lexi says.

He shakes his head; his stubble rubs against her skin, causing her to inhale sharply. "All four of us, Lex."

Lexi purses her lips. "Once and never again," she says before putting on a forced smile. "Let's go wait in line then. For this...death contraption."

The children cheer as they take Lexi's and Derek's hands and begin to drag them to the short line. As they wait for the ride to finish for the next group of victims, Derek noticed Lexi playing with her ring. He slips his fingers in between her's. "Why are you so nervous?"

"No reason," Lexi replies, squeezing his fingers to the point of almost breaking them. He pushes his lips together as the ride ends. "I don't like these rides," she mutters as the line moves and they are let in.

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