The Talk at the Zoo

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Warning: Mention of Mikael and abuse.

Teddy stares ahead at the kudus, his eyes wide and curious. The zoo is filled with people, but when staring at the docile animal, he can't help but feel calm. At barely twelve years old, Teddy had begun to enter a stage in life everyone hates: puberty.

His parents noticed the change, instantly giving him "the talk." Most people's parents would have talked about sex and attraction. The Hales talked about anger and hunters. Their whole lives, they had forever been followed by people who want to kill them. As Teddy grows older, his anger will grow with him. And he needs to stay in control if he wants to keep his eyes yellow.

His mother had assured him that no one would love him less if his eyes turned blue. If he took the life of an innocent, Lexi and Derek would not abandon him. They would help him, no matter what.

But both had made it clear: Werewolves are predators, not killers. Teddy heard stories about his Uncle Peter and Aunt Laura. He heard the stories everyone's heard about the crazy Klaus Mikaelson prowling around the world for people to kill. He's also heard stories about the merciless Original Alpha. He believed the stories weren't true.

He wouldn't see his mother the same after "the talk."

When Derek noticed Teddy's distance, he organized a trip across the country. The whole family traveled through a portal straight into Uncle Kol and Aunt Davina's apartment to face a whole itinerary set up by the witch.

As Kol approaches Teddy from behind, the boy can't help but be entranced by the animal. "Kudus are very bitter," Kol says, leaning against the railing next to Teddy.

"It looks so careless," Teddy responds with a sigh.

"Teddy," Kol turns to face the boy. "The moment you were born, a responsibility was thrust upon you, whether you like it or not. Your mother did not put it on you and neither did your father. Your family's reputation did. That's why you can't be carefree."

"You are." Teddy stares into Kol's brown eyes. The vampire melts at the fear and innocence in Teddy's expression. "You're free from everything."

"After a thousand years." Taking Teddy's hand, Kol begins to walk through the exhibit. He eyes passing strangers, gripping his nephew's hand tighter. "Teddy, your mother is one of the most resilient people I know, and because I know her so well, I know that every time you are faced with something terrible and horrible, she feels guilty."

Teddy tilts his head to the side. "Guilty?"

"That she couldn't shield you from it." Kol pauses in front of the gorillas. "She never wanted you or Stella to feel pressured in any way, to feel threatened or unsafe. She doesn't want you to turn out as she did."

"She's fine." Teddy crosses his arms.

"She wasn't." Kol's eyes hold a dark shadow. "She was used and betrayed and broken more times than I can count."

Teddy shakes his head. "She's done bad things. Killed so many people—"

"To protect herself." Kol won't try to defend Lexi's actions. But he will not let her son view her the same way she has always viewed herself: as a monster. "She did what had to be done. And that's what she wanted to save you from. She does not want you and your sister to shoulder the responsibility of being a Mikaelson alone."

"That's where she's wrong," Teddy growls, his eyes flaring. "I'm not a Mikaelson. I'm a Hale."

Kol narrows his eyes. "Not to our enemies."

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