New Home

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Standing in front of his new home, Teddy can't help but smile. He has always loved New Orleans—the noises, the people, the food—and now he gets to live there for four years.

As his dad luges all of his suitcases out of the car, his mom and sister step up to him. Lexi puts her arm around him, kissing his cheek. "Here we are!" She exclaims. Teddy can tell the smile on her face is only slightly forced. She may be happy for him, but New Orleans always makes her uneasy.

"Welcome to Tulane, T," Stella says. As an incoming junior in high school, she is definitely happy to have an empty house.

"That's the last one," Derek says, closing the trunk to the car.

All around them, parents are dropping their kids off at the university. Some cry, some smile proudly. Lexi and Derek are both— Lexi has tears in her eyes while Derek just smiles.

When Teddy sees his mother about to break down, he shakes his head, "Mom, stop crying. Please."

"I'm sorry!" Lexi exclaims, wiping her eyes. "You're all grown up. I'm a little sad!"

"But if you start to cry, so will I, so stop," Teddy says. His throat already feels like it's closing up.

"You are such a mama's boy," Stella smirks.

"And you're daddy's little girl," he fires back.

"Stop it, you two." Derek rolls his eyes. "We won't stay long, T, so you don't have to worry. But I need pictures for your aunts."

Teddy groans as Lexi jumps next to him, pressing a kiss to his cheek. Derek snaps a picture. She then wraps her arms around him, dragging Stella in. Derek snaps a picture.

"Excuse me!" Lexi exclaims suddenly. A student in a Tulane shirt walks over. "Can you take a picture of all of us?"

Teddy and Stella groan.

"Of course, miss." The student smiles.

Lexi blushes as she pulls Derek next to her. "He called me 'miss.'" She laughs.

Derek wraps an arm around her, containing a glare. Teddy stands between his parents as Stella stands next to Derek. "Take the picture, please!" Stella begs. "It's so hot and humid!"

Derek squeezes Stella's shoulder, causing her to roll her eyes and stop talking.

"One, two," The student says before he snaps a picture. He hands the phone back to Derek. He turns to Teddy with a wide, practiced smile. "Orientation is in half an hour. Be ready! And welcome to Tulane!"

Lexi waves as the student disappears into the crowd. "I guess it's goodbye." She turns back to Teddy.

"Have fun, T." Stella leans up on her tiptoes to ruffle his golden curls. He scoffs and pushes her away.

"You're gonna have so much fun, ok?" Derek says, placing a hand on his son's shoulder. "You can always call home, no matter what. And if anyone messes with you, don't be afraid to scare them a bit."

Squeezing Teddy's shoulder, Derek backs away only for Lexi to slap his arm.

Lexi looks up at her son, who is now as tall as Derek. "You have grown up so much," she says, her voice wavering. "I remember holding you in my arms for the first time. My little miracle."

"I was an accident," Teddy drawls with a smirk.

Lexi shakes her head, "There is nothing accidental about you, Theodore." She cups his cheeks lovingly with a soft smile on her face. This one is completely natural. "Have the best time. Don't worry about us or the pack. Just enjoy yourself. I love you so much."

Simple Joys | Hale [7.5] OPENΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα