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Shane and I didn't tell anybody about our little brownie party, well anyone except for Lilly who walked into my room to see us fast asleep on my bed. But we didn't tell anyone about the 5 dates after or the 3 sleepovers after our brownie party. Sometimes Shane or I would walk past each other in the office and send the other person a wink, which they'd laugh about and act as if it was something they just remembered.

Sceptic McGee
Ill be round to pick you up at 10, we've gotta be at the airport by 12 but I thought we could stop for some breakfast before

Spooky las
Sounds good to me, love. I'm packing the now and I'm absolutely exhausted

Sceptic McGee
Well if you can't sleep phone, but also phone me when you wake up so I can start making my way over.

Spooky las
Okay that's fine, I'll phone you later anyways

I sighed as I placed my phone down next to me on the ground, i placed the last jumper into my suitcase and zipped it up, rolling it over to beside my door, setting my backpack and hunting shoes on top of it. I made my way down stairs to where Lilly was curled up on the couch.

"You okay, Ivy?" She asked and I thought carefully about my answer.

"I'm not sure." I replied and she looked at me strangely.

"What do you mean?" She asked and I sighed and lay down, my legs across her lap.

"I'm all over the place really, I'm happy, I'm sad, I'm angry and I'm in love." I said and my breathe caught in my throat as I said the words out loud. I could see Lilly smirking and I immediately sat up.

"You're in love." She said and I just rolled my eyes and groaned, falling back onto the couch.

"Maybe I am." I answered and Lilly sighed, looking from me to the tv, then back to me. "But maybe he doesn't love me back, you know. Maybe this is all a bit of fun and then it's just gonna be over and I'm gonna be alone again." I stressed and Lilly laughed loudly.

"Ivy, Ryan texted me the other day and told me him and Shane were supposed to be doing something for True crime, but instead Shane spent the whole time looking through your Instagram and talking about you." Lilly said and I smiled warmly, looking at her.

"Really?" I asked and she nodded eagerly. "Shane loves you Ivy, I can feel it in my bones." She said and I sighed, laying back down and staring at the ceiling.


Shane and I managed to get to the airport just after 12, our 11am breakfast turning into a full feast. Ryan wasn't happy but gave up being angry as we got on the plane. We got to West Virginia about 4 hours later, stepping out into the cold air made me smile and think of Scotland immediately. I breathed out and Shane just laughed at me. I skipped happily along as we got in a car and made our way to our hotel.

I walked into Shane and Ryan's room, smiling widely for no reason at all. Ryan wasn't in the room so it was only Shane and I.

"You have a cute ass." Shane said and I laughed and looked at him.

"You have a cute ass too." I said and he just kissed my forehead, quickly changing his top and grabbing his jacket. I was also sporting one of his jackets, because I forgot to pick mine is as we left and Shane brought an extra one. We walked down stairs towards the outside of the hotel where Ryan and the rest of the crew stood.

"Ryan I'm hungry." Shane stated and I nodded agreeing with him.

"Well, we're gonna eat later as part of a bit but I'm kinda hungry too." Ryan said and I thought for a second before coming up with an idea.

"If we eat now we'll all be hungry later anyways. There's a diner just near by." I said, taking our my phone to yelp it. We all agreed on the diner and made our way there, Shane, Ryan and I shared a booth while the crew shared a booth to themselves.

"I'm guessing you're gonna have the chocolate milk? If so can you get an extra straw with it?" Shane asked without looking up from his menu, but I knew he was talking to me.

"Sure thing, love." I said, forgetting Ryan was in the booth with us. He just stared at us both for a few seconds before returning his gaze back to his menu.

We all ordered and within a few minutes, our door was placed down in front of us. I snapchatted the experience and smiled as I uploaded it.

"Okay. So after this, we're gonna go see the moth man statue and then we're gonna meet at another diner and try a mothman pizza." Ryan said before biting into his burger.

"Sounds good to me." I said and nodded. We all finished our food and quickly made our way to the mothman statue. To be perfectly honestly with you, I would hate to have to walk past this everyday.

"It's a bit daunting, apart from the butt cheeks." I said and Shane laughed along with Ryan. We made our way to a local coffee shop called the coffee grinder, where they sold mothman coffee, droppings and cookies.

"This cookie taste like heaven." I said and dipped my coffee afterwards with the boys.

"Well, I've got to agree with you on that." Shane said and I nodded towards him. But soon enough we were out of the coffee shop and heading towards a small pizza diner.

"Guys, ever since we've got off that plane, all we've done is eat." I said and both boys just nodded. Once we were inside at sat don, waiting for our pizza I pointed the camera around towards me.

"I feel like mothman is Santa for these people." I said and Shane just shook his head while Ryan laughed. The pizza was set in front of us and I laughed looking at it, the body was made with pepperoni, the wings made by mushrooms , the legs made my green bell peppers and the eyes made with tomatoes and olives.

Not a great lover of olives or tomato's, I let Shane and Ryan take the eyes, while I took a piece from the wing. I hummed in harmony as the beautiful taste hit my mouth. Once we finished our pizza, all three of us crammed into a booth across from the owner, Ryan closest to the window, me in the middle and Shane hanging off he edge of the booth.

"What's the scariest tale you've heard from someone, in terms of sightings of the mothman?" Ryan questioned Lydia, the owner of the diner.

"Danny storeburrys mother." She said with a slight nod before continuing. "She said that one night, uh, she had to fight him off. Cause he come in to get Danny, he was like six months old and she was in her bed and had to fight the mothman off, because he was trying to get the baby." She said and I watched as Shane's face lit up.

"He was trying to steal her baby?" He asked in amazement and I just looked back curiously towards the woman.

"Yeah, That was her story. And I mean she was very convincing. And it's said to say that she's dead and gone now, but that was, uh, very scary." She finished and Shane spoke up again.

"She fought the mothman." Shane said and I just stared wide eyed at the woman.

"Oh my god." Ryan spoke up, laughing out of nervousness.

"She didn't actually fight him, but she wrestled and got her baby from him." Lydia said and I just stared at her.

"Oh, yikes." Shane said and I just nodded, agreeing with him.

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