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I awoke two days later feeling better. The boys had postponed the penitentiary till I was feeling up to it, even though I'd rather not go to the penitentiary, I didn't have much of a choice. It was pretty cold out, so i bundled up into one of Shane's jackets. To say I was tired would be an understatement, although I had slept for two days straight, I still found it difficult to keep my eyes open.

"You sure you're up for this, Ivy?" Ryan asked and I opened my eyes and sat up straight, looking out the window and back to Ryan.

"Yeah I'll be fine, anyways, we only have the Penitentiary left and then we're back for Christmas." I said happily, then being reminded that this year would be different Christmas wise.

"Are you going home for Christmas?" Ryan asked and I shook my head.

"Nah, Lilly and I decided we'd spend Christmas in LA and then get a flight back home for New Years to surprise my parents." I said and Ryan nodded. We got back to the hotel about 5 and spent and hour getting ready, before finally heading to the place I had been dreading. As we pulled up to the penitentiary.

I snapchatted from the back of the car as the lads climbed out from it to take a look around at the scenery, which was absolutely terrifying may I just say. Lilly had texted me about an hour ago, telling me to be careful and if I see a ghost to say hi for her, which is where I ended the conversation.

"Welp Guys, after almost dying in hoists two days ago, I'm gonna die in a old run down prison." I said smiling at my phone and uploading my Snapchat. I climbed out of the car and Shane handed me my camera gear and a hat.

"What's this for?" I asked and he smiled.

"You said when you're ears get cold they get sore, wouldn't want that to happen out here." He said and I smiled warmly at the kind gesture. I placed the hat over my head and hooked everything up that was supposed to be hooked up, before we all headed into the prison.

"I know I say this all the time." I said, smiling towards Ryan and linking our arms as we walked towards the door. "But I fucking hate this place." I whined and Ryan just rolled his eyes.

Immediately we got to filming and I already wished that I was back at the hotel, FaceTiming Keith about the new try guys episode. Feeling sick and dizzy just contributed to the creepiness of this place.

"This is the administrative building, that's why everything's so nice." Ryan spoke and I looked around, standing closely by Shane.

"I was gonna say, beautiful tile work." Shane said and I just rolled my eyes.

"Air Force one? They filmed Air Force one here?" Shane questioned. "Actually now that I think of it, remember the reason they hijacked the plane is to release to the-" but before he could go on Ryan literally shut up down.

"I'm gonna cut you off right there, cause I don't give a shit." He said and almost choked laughing so hard. "Uhm we're gonna move over here." Ryan said, turning around to an opened door. I looked at Shane who wore a surprised expression.

"Better luck next time bud." I said, patting him on the back before making my way to the room Ryan was in.


I kept my eyes down at my phone as we walked to the east side of the prison, I ducked under some chain after Ryan and Shane.

"Good lord." Ryan spoke, making me look up from my phone to the terrifying cells all lined up.

"Fuck that." I said, turning around, only for Shana to pull me by the hand back towards the cells.

It was terrifying, there had to have been over 100 cells, all small and gross. Little sounds could be heard from everywhere and for a moment, of just standing with the boys talking, I felt as if I was going insane.

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