Chapter 7

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"Mikaelson....." The word fell out of Elijah's mouth. Upon hearing the name Freya my mind drifted back to the letter that was written for me all those years ago.

"Freya Mikaelson. The first born of Esther and Mikael." The words came out of my mouth almost robotically.

"Yes, and as I recall she died a thousand years ago." Niklaus interjected. My mind bought up the notion of my mothers note that she wrote to me a long time ago. 'Freya is still alive'

"I have no time for games. We already have one bloody dead relative to worry about. Leave!" Niklaus yelled.

"Niklaus, that is no way to talk to our guest." Elijah murmured towards his brother as he took a step further. I could see his eyes soften when he looked at out alleged sister.

"OUR GUEST! I didn't realize you invited some lunatic who is claiming to be our dead elder sister from a thousand years ago. I must have missed that memo." Klaus shouted towards Elijah.  I moved closer to Freya as they were bickering. I could see the resemblance, to our mother. In fact, I could see the resemblance to almost all the family. The blonde hair all the Mikaelson women had was distinct along with the smile.

I knew she knew about the barrier which is why she still wasn't trying to come forward anymore.

"I'm going to let her in" I told the boys as they were still bickering towards each other.

"DON'T YOU DARE! We have no idea if we can trust her....or even you for that matter, witch!" Niklaus roared. I rolled my eyes and waved my hand toward the barrier. I could feel the barrier drop at that point but as soon as I felt it drop I could feel Esther's magic come through full force.

I gasped as I felt the wave of energy pulse in. I heard a giant noise upstairs as I heard the three vampires drop in pain. The same spell that Esther was doing on Elijah when I stopped her.

I cursed myself for lowering the barrier for even a second. That's when I heard Bonnie scream.  I didn't even think, I rushed towards Bonnie using my vampire speed. When I got up the stairs I saw Michael throwing Bonnie against the wall. I know she didn't have the time for her power to be restored fully yet. She was the weakest and easiest target.

I growled at him and lunged towards him. He snapped his head and grabbed my shoulders slamming me against the coffee table.  I heard the boys rush up and stop in their tracks realizing their father was here. Mikael looked towards the boys and laughed walking towards them.

I watched Klaus take a few steps back, eyes wide. Elijah just put his hands out in front of him trying to get Mikael, the destroyer to stop walking. I jumped up and rushed towards Mikael, grabbing him and throwing in the air towards the wall.

"EWCH ALLAN, DIFLANNU!" I shouted casting Mikael out and pulling the barrier up. Damon, Stefan, and Caroline were finally able to stand once the barrier went back up, with Esther's magic no longer able to penetrate. Damon rushed over to Bonnie who was still laying on the floor.

"Don't panic, Damon, she is still gaining he power back. Lay her on the sofa." I told as I turned and pointed toward the nearest sofa, I nearly collapsed against the amount of magic I had just used. Before I could get a responded I was thrown against the wall. I gave out a growl barring my fangs towards Niklaus as his hand closed around my throat.

"WHO ARE YOU? WHAT ARE YOU?" he growled through his teeth. I looked at him as he just tighten his hand.

"I don't understand, how are you a vampire and a witch?," Damon murmured from behind Klaus. I could see the confusion on everyone face.

"She is a TRAITOR!" Niklaus shouted.

"Brother, calm down. We will get our answers but it might be best not to torture in front of guests. It's rude." Elijah told his brothers as he began to roll up his sleeves. I decided I was done being threaten by them. I put both of my hands on Klaus's hand that was around my throat and pulled his hand off of me.

Klaus's eye widen as my strength out beat his. I flicked his wrist and heard the bones break. That's when Elijah ran forward to protect Niklaus. Too bad I connected our minds. I knew his move as soon as he decided to make it. I side stepped Elijah and grabbed his hand and bent it backwards causing his collarbone to shatter. Elijah gave a low scream.

"Please, I don't want to hurt anyone. We can be civil and talk about this." I told them as I released Elijah and backed away. My body still a little drained from the magic. I looked around the room and notice the other people seemed scared of me too.

Klaus gave a growl before walking towards me, but Elijah put his arm out and spoke softly to his brother. "Give her a chance to explain." I also noticed that Damon had steeped closer to me when Klaus moved.

"Go ahead, witch. Explain to me why I'm being bested by a girl" Klaus responded.

"Yes, dear sister, explain". I heard a voice say coming from the stairs. My head jerked and I notice Freya standing there with her arms crossed.

"Sister? That doesn't make any sense" I heard Caroline murmur behind me. I saw the confusion past over everyone's faces. I took a deep breathe and just blurted it out.

"My real name is Erikah, the Protector and I am the last child of Mikael and Esther Mikaelson. I am half-vampire half-witch" I saw Damon's eyes go wide.

Klaus gave a laugh. "Like I believe a silly little girl. You can not be a witch and a vampire. You CANNOT be death and life. There is a balance."

"I took Esther's spell that she used to change you and I changed it. One were I can remain a witch along with my vampire side. There are some side affects, but its worth it." I told Klaus.

He threw his hands up in the air, scoffing. "I went from having four siblings to now having six in one day. Even if I did believe you, I defiantly do not trust you."

"You don't have to trust me. I am here to help you save your family, nothing more. After I'm done, I will be going back to my home" I told him angrily. I have imagine telling them about for a long and now that it happened, I was defiantly disappointed. This could have not gone worse. The next thing I knew Klaus moved and everything went black.

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