Chapter 1

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"Elijah, we must stop this," Niklaus muttered to his brother as he paced back and forth in front of a sitting Elijah.

"Klaus, you must calm yourself. We will figure it out." Elijah mumbled back as he searched through paperwork the Cami had supplied them with just this morning.

"A stupid witch isn't going to help us, Elijah," Klaus yelled.

"She's not any witch, Niklaus. According to these papers, she is a direct descendent of Erikah, the protector." Elijah proclaimed, holding up a handful of papers. Niklaus was starting to annoy him.

"SO WHAT, ELIJAH! This our mother we are talking about, one of the most powerful witches of all time, how is the descendent of some fairy-tale protector going to save my child?" Niklaus stopped pacing, clenching his fists.

"Erikah, the protector is no fairy tale, I can assure you of that." Elijah barked back snapping up from his papers.

"I know. I remember little Erikah, the lass who stood up to that moron," Niklaus said going back to pacing.

"Don't forget, she gave us Esther as well," Elijah reminded Niklaus.

"Whose is this protector?" Hayley asked walking into the room.

"She's just a witch that lived over 900 years ago. She protected those who couldn't protect themselves, and her descendents followed suit. It's a story that are suppose to scare "bad" vampires," Marcel voiced came from behind the desk, near Elijah. He was helping Elijah look through the papers, trying to find the answer to their problem.

"So, you're looking for some descendent of some witch protector to do what exactly?" Hayley asked confused crossing her arms. BBC

"Not what she can do, but what she has," Marcel answered.

"Here it is, Irene Lancaster, born May 3rd 1994, living in Blue Hill, Maine. Looks like we are going on a road trip, Niklaus," Elijah looked up.


"Come on, Erikah," Maxius groveled and pleased with me. The werewolves wanted more territory in the northern part of town, closer to the witches burial ground.

"I'm sorry, I can't allow that. We want to keep the peace and in order to do that we must appease the witch ancestors and moving closer is just going to angry them, sorry boys," I replied back looking straight into Maxius's eyes.

"Who put you in charge anyways girl," a lower werewolf muttered under his breath. My head snapped towards his direction. In an instant I had him pinned up against the wall flashing my fangs at him.

"I am no girl. I am Erikah, the protector, one of history's finest warriors. I founded this town and I protect this town. If you don't like it then leave." I seethed through my teeth.

"Erikah, please. He is from out of state." Maxius pleaded. I released the fool and slowly walked back to the table. We were meeting in the Council Hall.

"Fine, is that the only reason why you called this meeting?" I asked Maxius. He gave a short nod.

"Then, we are done here, and make sure you let the new guy in on my ground rules" I said as began to put up my stuff. I promised Kalvin I would help him work in the restaurant today.

"Next time, wait until the biweekly meeting," I commanded as I bristly walked out of the hall. The werewolves were getting more pushy, they want this and they wanted that. They need to simmer down before I take away some privileges.

I arrive at the back of the restaurant in under five seconds flat. My super speed is my favorite perk of being a vampire. I open the back door and walked right into Kalvin.

"You're late, Erikah," he said sternly.

"Sorry, had to take care of business." I told him as I walked around him to grab an apron off the shelve.

"The werewolves again?" he questioned closing the back door.

"When isn't it them, but I can handle it." I muttered as I grabbed my name tag and a pen.

"Are you sure, Erikah?" he asked grabbing my arm.

"Yes, dad. I will always protect my family, you have no worries there. I have been doing this for a long time," I told as I smiled at him. He wasn't my dad, I called him that out of habit. In fact he was a descendent of mine, About a few hundred years ago, I came to Blue Hill, Maine to migrate and visit my living descendants.

When I arrived here, I found myself in the middle of a vampire and werewolf war. Many innocent people were dying, a lot of people were terrified to even come out of them houses. I had to save them and my family, so, I took control of this town. I killed all the lost-caused vampires and werewolves and let the others stay. Most of the other vampires left town though.

After I cleaned up this town, I decided to stay with my descendents and posed as a child of the eldest living relative I had. Select families were told the truth and know they all keep my secret. The main families of this town are given vervain and wolfs-bane to protect them selves. All children of the main families are told the secret once they turn 18, they can then choose to keep my secret and stay here, leave town, or have their memories erased. However, if they are witches or werewolves they are told sooner. Most choose to stay.

"Good, I'm glad to hear. Tables 3 and 5 need to be waited on," he mumbled before disappearing behind the counter. Kalvin was like all the other men in my family, stubborn but family driven. I could understand why he did not what anything to happen.

"Yes sir," I said before I pushed open the door that led to the front of the restaurant. I froze when I felt it, the same feeling every time I get when they are near. I quickly scan the resturant before my eyes landed on table five, where they were at. How are they here? Why are they here? These thoughts ran through my mind as I walked up to table five.

"How may I help you today?" I asked them. My voice not giving anything away as I was freaking out on the inside.

"Well, you can help get a grimore for us, Irene," Elijah smiled and looked up towards me.

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