Chapter 12

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Reaching the cemetery was easy. I could hear the ancestors calling me. I knew this battle was going to end with death. I could hear it among the wind as the ancestors whispered the words to me.

Hopefully it was my death. My family needed to live and I knew the barrier back home would last forever with the witches there reinforcing it weekly. There was a plan in place if I died, everyone back home knew what to do, but I didn't know how my new family would react. Would they even care?

These thoughts raced through my head as we entered the cemetery.

"I can feel the power here," Bonnie told me. I nodded towards her, cemeteries that are buried with the supernatural are a powerful place.

"Wait until we reach the ancestral burial ground. That magic is off the charts, it should be in the back over here towards the woods." I replied as I pointed to the far left. Most supernatural cemeteries were set up the same. The way the witch ancestors liked it.

We came up to the end of cemetery where there was a huge iron gate. On the other side of the gate were a bunch of grave stones and flowers and herbs.

I could only hear the wind howling and the ancestral whispers until I opened the gate and stepped over the barrier. As soon as I did I could hear Klaus, Marcel and Mikael fighting deep in the woods. Other voices floated towards me too. Hayley and Esther and another female. One voice that I haven't heard in a while.

"Dahila," I voiced before I took off at vampire speed. Should I help Klaus or Hope first? Well, Hayley was significantly outmatched so I shot towards the left were I could here Hayley yelling.

I reach a small section near a tomb that was clear of trees. In the middle was an altar with candles lit and that's where Dahlia was. I stopped in my tracks and took the women in.

Dahlia was a menacing women who stood taller then most women. Her dark complex was a stark contrast to the standard Mikaelson women's blonde hair and bright eyes. Dahlia was holding a tiny bundle in her arms and I knew it was Hope. If I was going to save her, I had to do it fast before Dahlia finished linking them.

"DAHLIA!" I shouted at her taking a step forward. Her head snapped towards me and hatred shown through her eyes.

"Erikah, my spiteful niece, how have you been since we last met?" Dahlia's harsh voice rang out. The last time she saw me I was stripping my own son's power in order to save him from her, but I'm stronger now. I'm going to stop her permanently today.

As those words floated through my mind I heard the ancestors speak again. Death was the only word they were saying.

"I can't let you have her, Dahlia. The ancestors think you have too much power already." I told her as I took another step towards her. Dahlia laughed at my words

"Too much power? Look at you, doing there bidding, it's pathetic. I do my own bidding. I am entitled to every first-born Mikaelson! You are not going to stop me this time!" She roared as she pointed a knife at me. She was going to have to draw blood in order to join both her and Hope.

I knew I had to act now as I shot forward at vampire speed. I grabbed Dahlia's right arm and twisted. She gave a scream of pain before moving he left hand closer to me. I let go of her right hand and grabbed Hope out of her left hand. Once I had Hope I ran. I could hear them all yelling; Dahlia, Esther and Hayley. My only thought now was where to hide the child.

Tomb.....Life tomb.....The words floated toward me from the wind. Ah, of course, the Life tomb where witches go to pray for lives. I darted towards the iron gate and then ran along side of it. Good thing most supernatural cemeteries were set up mostly the same. The ancestors had ocd about things like this.

I reached the tomb and entered quickly. I put Hope near the back and kiss her forehead. She looked at me with her big blue eyes and giggled. I smile towards her and knew what I was doing was right. I could not let Dahlia have her.

I brought my finger up to my mouth and shh her gently.

"Hush my child, let the ancestors protect you." I murmured as I started drawing on the ancestors powers. I could feel the power seep to Hope and a magic barrier came up. I could see her but no one else can.

I rushed back out of the tomb and listened. I heard Damon cry out in pain and I heard Mikael laugh. I darted towards them and stopped when I came to a patch of trees and Damon was staked to one. The stake was merely a tree branch and it was mere inches from his heart. There was blood seeping from his mouth running down his chin.

I jumped up there and started to pull the branch out of him.

"Erikah...." he whispered. I looked up into his eyes, even though he was injured I could see worry plastered across his face.

" Bonnie" he told me and pointed straight. Mikael must have been after Bonnie and Damon try to stop him. I nodded before yanking the branch out from his chest. He slumped to the ground with a groan and I dashed off again.

Must save Bonnie the words floated to me. The ancestors wanted me to save her. I promised Damon and her grandmother that I would keep her safe I though as I dashed towards the edge of the woods.

I stopped as I shot out of the woods and came to see Mikael holding Bonnie by her neck in his hands. Klaus was standing there wide-eyed along with Elijah. The boys didn't know how to stop him.

"Abomination...he shouldn't be alive" The ancestors whispered in my ears. No one wanted him alive I thought as I stepped forward. I could hear Bonnie gasping for air.

"The fact that you would try and save this insignificant witch is disappointing. I raise you better then this!" Mikael lectured at the boys.

He may have raised them like that but he didn't raise me I though at I leaped towards Mikael.

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