Chapter 2

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I looked around the restaurant, nervous. I hesitate opening my mouth, what do they want with my grimoire? Only a powerful witch can handle it.

"Uh.. what do you mean?" I stuttered giving a smile. I don't usually freak, but I haven't been this close to my family in a while and back then I didn't even know it was them.

"We want Erikah's grimoire," Klaus seethed through his teeth. Boy, did he get angry fast.

"I can't talk about that here," I whispered looking around the restaurant again. Kalvin might get mad if Klaus becomes mad and destroys the restaurant.

"We can go and discuss it in the back," Elijah announced as he stood up from the table. I gave a quick nod, turned and led them to the back room. As soon as the door closed behind us, Klaus pushed me up against the wall, chocking me.

"Now, tell me, where is Erikah's grimoire?" He whispered in me ear.

"Niklaus, please, she can't tell us if she is dead," Elijah said as he grabbed Klaus's arm. Klaus reluctantly released me. I rubbed my neck as if it was in pain.

"How are you so certain that I have Erikah's grimoire? Huh?" I spatted out at Klaus, he face twisted in anger.

"According to a very reliable source, every generation a new member of the family is picked to inherit that grimoire, and her Uncle decided that it was you after he crossed out all the non-witches and anyone under the age of 16. I found it most curious though, that you would be a witch, but no one else in your immediate family was," Klaus replied back with a smug look on his face.

"My mother was adventurous in her youth. I have a different father then my siblings." I stated calmly. It was a lie that I told anyone that questioned my relations to the family.

"You and I have that in common then. Now, the grimoire," Klaus stated as he took a step back from me.

"I don't have it. It's been lost for over a century," I replied keeping a poker face. Klaus threw his hands up in expiration and walked out the back door.

"I can try and find it, Elijah. If it is that important," I looked toward Elijah.

"Please, it's very important that we get our hands on that grimoire. It would also spare you from any pain at the hands of my brother." he answered me as he walked out the back door following Klaus.

"cysylltu fy meddwl at ef , gyndeidiau os gwelwch yn dda . Cysylltu â protect ef a fi," I muttered barely above a whisper. I just linked mine and Elijah's minds together. I have no idea what they are planning on doing with the grimoire, but I will find out.

"Was that who I thought that was, Irene?" Kalvin whispered as I entered the dinner. He called me by that name just in case my brothers were still within ear shot. I gave a look over my shoulder to see a couple of guys staring at me. They were unfamiliar but I could tell they were hybrids. Klaus's hybrids. I knew Kalvin understood the situation.

"Yes. They were searching for Erikah's grimoire." I replied as I focused on casting a bubble around us. An invisible bubble, one that made Klaus's goons unable to hear us.

"I don't care, Irene. You better make sure that this doesn't cause any problems in the town" He leaned in close to me.

"Listen, I will protect this town with my life. I promise, Kalvin."I told him as I started to walk over to table 3. I saw him contemplate saying something to me but he must have changed his mind because he just went to the kitchen. I can't let Klaus get his hands on my grimoire.

I worked at the diner until about 9pm right after the dinner rush.  As soon as the I left the diner, Klaus's hybrids started to follow me. I pulled out my phone and sent out a text to Maximus to alert the other werewolves that there was hybrids and some of the originals poking their nose around in town. I did the same with Julia, who lead the witches and Conner who would get the word out to the other vampires. I don't want anyone dying on my watch.

As soon as I walked in the house, I felt it. One of my brothers was here.

"Ah, there she is. Sweet Irene." Klaus's voice radiated from the kitchen. I froze. Kalvin wasn't going to like this. I listen and did a quick head count. I knew Amy was in the kitchen with Klaus and so was Trudie but Alex must have been out with Jepsy. The people I was staying with were human except for Alex, who is there 18 year old son, who was turned into a vampire a few months ago. Jepsy was Alex's girlfriend who is a vampire. Amy was Kalvin's wife and Trudie was there 14 year old daughter. Jepsy, however, was turned about 35 years ago, by me.

"Oh, hello Klaus. What are you doing here?" I asked looking toward Amy and seeing a look on her face. A look that meant she was scared. She knew who this was but Trudie didn't.

"I thought I would stop by and see how you were fairing with finding that book and your little sister invited me in." He told me as he gave a half smile looking towards my sister winking at her. Trudie gave a giggle and blushed. Great I thought as I rolled my eyes.

"Lets go into the attic and see if we can find it," I told Klaus as I started to turn around.

"Actually I was thinking about going to Erikah's house," I froze.

"What?" I asked as I turned around trying to look confused. The next thing I knew he was holding Trudie by her throat. Amy starting screaming and Trudie started to fight.

"You think I am an idiot? I know that "Erikah" has own a house for over 300 years here. I've been doing this for a long time, love. So, take me to her house, or your pretty little sister will be my lunch," My eyes widen. I felt his mind before he spoke.

"Don't hurt her, Klaus" A voice came from behind me. It was Elijah. I could feel him standing close behind me.

"Why, brother, I was just playing around. Now, Irene, if you please. Erikah's house." I gave a nod as I watch Klaus put Trudie down. Trudie ran straight to Amy, both of them tears streaking down their faces. Kalvin was going to kill me for putting them in danger.

All three of us walked out of the house and I motioned them towards the woods. My house was one of the first ones built when I founded this town. I left it in my name instead of changing it because I didn't want anyone going inside. It was torn down about 50 years ago and rebuilt as a more modern day house but it is where I keep all my records and journals and artifacts. My grimoire was in the bedroom, I usually sleep at this house rather than Kalvin's.

My house was about a mile back in to the woods. I owned about half the land in the town still and I kept my house on the down low so I can have time alone and the other vampires and werewolves knew to leave me alone if I was here.

"What a beautiful house" Elijah spoke behind me. I went to nod but stopped myself when I heard the voices. It was Alex and Jepsy.

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