Chapter 9

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I saw the blood and I panicked. I rushed back towards the room that I awoke in at vampire speed and slammed the door shut.

Changing my mother's spell had its consequences. To maintain natural balance in the world life can only be paid for with life. I may be a vampire but I'm not going to live forever. The ancestors saw to that.

"Erikah, are you alright" I heard Elijah's voice call from behind the door. I knew everyone else was probably listening to see what was going on.  I walked slowly to the door and opened it. The look of concerned was written all over his face.

Throughout my years I have kept tabs on my family from Mikael's destruction to Kol's ripper tendencies. I knew that Elijah was the caring one. He wasn't affected by impulse like the others were but he was very protective of his family just like Klaus and Rebekah were.

"Come in" I stood with the door wide open. I wasn't going to keep them from my life but my whole point was to help solve there problem and go back home to protect my own town and family. I instantly felt a twinge of guilt, I haven't check back in with them since I've been here. I'm sure Alex and Jepsy were worried. I knew Kalvin just wanted to make sure that the townspeople's didn't get hurt.

As soon as he walked in, I shut the door behind him while also putting up a barrier like I did in the restaurant, so no one could hear us talk.

"Can I help you, Elijah?" I asked him as he turned to look at me. I knew I owed him some answers, for linking our minds and lying to them all.

"Erikah, the blood..." He murmured as he turned towards me.

"Elijah, sometimes when you cast spells they required payment in return. This is a payment for a certain spell." I told him gesturing to the blood that was on my hand. The more times I die, the more times I had to come back from the dead weaken me. The more power I waste, the closer to death I crept. It was luck having some of my siblings power, it kept me from death longer but it was inevitable. I would eventually die and soon.

I walked over to the bathroom that was connected to the room we were in. I washed my hands as I heard Elijah come up behind me.

"I can feel your mind, you're emotions." He told me, I could see some anger play across his face. I finished drying my hands and turned towards him.

"I linked our minds a while ago, when we were back in my town. For safety, I couldn't have you or Klaus killing innocents," I told him. His face soften, he knew the rumors that surrounds his brother, Klaus. Even Rebekah and Elijah are far from being innocent and merciful.

The door to the room we were in burst open. I could feel the barrier ripple and disappear. Elijah and I walked out of the bathroom to see Klaus there, angry like usual.

"Insufferable WITCH!" He screeched. I rolled my eyes, of course he was angry that I sound proof the room. Klaus hates when he isn't in control.

I was about to say something when I felt it, a light ripple in barrier surrounding the house. I pushed past Klaus and ran straight for the courtyard. I stopped when I saw Esther on the other side . She was performing a spell song with Freya who was on this side of the barrier.

"FREYA, STOP!" I yelled at her as I took a step closer to her. I felt Elijah and Klaus come up behind me. I heard the others come as well.

"You are weak, Erikah. Now is the time to break down this barrier and be done with this stupid war between our family" Freya respond as a smile spread across her lips. I heard the footsteps before I felt her hand enclose in mine.

"Let me help" Bonnie whispered. I saw out of the corner of my eye, that Damon has also come closer. He was really protective of the Bennet witch. I felt the surge of power as she started her spell. I could tell she was powerful but I don't think she was powerful enough to us to defeat them both. Not with two Mikaelsons witches.

I started to help her with the spell but I knew it wouldn't be enough. "Arhoswch, ailadrodd." I repeated over and over again until I was sure the spell had built enough. I let go of the Bennett witch's hand and ran towards Freya at the barrier.

I felt the ripple of the barrier, I could feel it growing weaker and weaker.

"What are you doing!" Freya yelled at me as she noticed me getting closer to her. I grabbed her arm and waited for the right moment. When I felt it, I knew. I pushed us both out of the barrier when the barrier was at a weak point.

As soon as I knew we were clear of the border I instantly drew all the energy I had in order to put the barrier but up to it full potential knowing that the Bennett witch was pulling it up as well.

The one thing I hadn't notice though was that Damon followed me out of the barrier. The way I figured it out was because using all that energy made me weak and I fell to my knees, I felt his arms go around me and help me stand.

"Damon, you idiot, I can't get use back into the compound" I told him as moved us away from Freya and Esther. He gave a shrug and was about to respond when I felt myself being ripped from his arms. I looked up and came face to face with Mikael, the Destroyer. I pushed myself off of him, but not fast enough. I heard the clank of the metal before I felt my magic become dormant. Mikael had fasten handcuffs to my wrist. Handcuffs that were laced with black magic in order to stop a witch from accessing magic or performing spells.

I felt the world around me growing dark, without the power I was weak, really weak. My magic was the only thing keeping me from fainting. I heard Damon call my name but I couldn't focus on the words. My head starting ache and I felt someone catch me as I fell to the ground, the world blacken around me.

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