10 | some happiness

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𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓻 𝓢𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓾𝓼,

I'm excited, Christmas it's just
around the corner and I can't wait
to buy lots of presents!
I have save the money my dad
sends me and I can't wait!

I'm going to spend Christmas at
school this year because of Jason.
This is his last year and he wants to spend one last Christmas at Hogwarts.

We're both going to hogsmeade this weekend to buy gifts.
I hope I can see you there, but before
I buy your present. I know how sneaky you can be, so don't try anything.

Marlene says I have an obsession
with Christmas because every year
I decorate our dorm room.
But I know she secretly enjoys the
mints I leave in her pillow every day leading up to Christmas Day.

What should I buy the girls?
I want to buy them something they like, maybe a necklace? I know I good place, but I'm not sure.

Do you think James would like
a picture with Lily? I can make her
stand outside and he could sneak
behind her the moment I take the picture. That could be fun.

I already Peter's, and Juliet's,
my friend from Ravenclaw, but Remus' present it's coming soon. I begged my aunt to send me some chocolates from Germany, I hope he likes them.

You told me you spend Christmas
here sometimes, I hope you stay this year to give you your present
personally and give you a hug.

We need some happiness
around here despite all the madness outside school.

It's time to go to bed,
I should prepare myself because
I did not study for Flickwick's exam. Wish me luck.

Goodbye Sirius, I'll see you tomorrow.



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