61 | from the bests

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𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓻 𝓢𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓾𝓼,

Today was wonderful.

We went to hogsmeade and
spent the day together with all
of our friends.

Today's has been entertaining.
Each time I approach you and James saying good morning, you two freeze and wait for something to happen.

I won't do anything, of course.
I just said that I would because I
wanted to see your reactions.
It is kinda comical how you are
nervous around me.

Remus told me you boys
were expecting something, maybe
a not so bad payback, but something nonetheless.

I'm really don't planing anything,
that's what so fun. Every time I see you pass by, I act like I'm hiding
something under my ropes or bag.

What can I say?
I learned from the bests.

Anyways, the work load has been
really heavy on us. I can't wait to
have a break.

Do you think we'll hang out during
our vacation? I hope so.

Also, guess what?
I have been accepted to work in a
little shop near my home during vacations. It's not a lot, but it could be fun. Maybe you could visit me.

I should be going to sleep now.
The girls are almost done and I don't want them to asked me to show them my journal.

The other night I was writing you and Lily saw James' name in the page.
I swear, if it wasn't becauseMarlene that scream out of nowhere to save me,
that would have been an awkward explanation.

Goodbye Sirius, I'll see you tomorrow.



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