82 | biggest wish

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𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓻 𝓢𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓾𝓼,

Have you ever noticed
the difference a person can make
by only being by your side?

It's such a strange feeling,
having happiness in your life,
and then it multiples when there's
a certain person.

I don't like to sound cheesy,
but that is how I feel.

If the days were bright before,
now they are shining. If my mood was good before, now it's delightful. If I was happy before, now I'm rejoice full.

I'm not going to lie to you,
I still feel like I'm in a dream.
I feel like I will wake up out of the sudden and everything that has happened was in vain.

I really thought I would never get a chance with you, and I feared you
only liked me as a friend.

Marlene's eyes were so wide when
I told her, and Lily's mouth was open
for a solid 30 seconds. They told me
they were happy for me, and if you
don't treat me good, they'll beat you up (their words, not mine)

Remus was happy we finally would
be going out, he was getting desperate for us to finally go out. Peter was smiling and told me he was happy too.

James was the biggest of them all,
I swear that he was so happy, even though you told him before I did.
He started talking about the different outfits I could were...he was so excited that I didn't stop him.

I even got out of the way to tell Jason, he was happy that I would finally would go out with my "prince charming",
but you hurt me, he'll hex you
(again, his words, not mine)

After we all had a conversation, everyone decided to join the order.
I feel scare for everyone, I'm not
going to lie. But we're all grown up,
and it's not like we're going out blindly, taking a shot in the dark.

I don't have a job right now, so my
tasks for the order is to recruit people
to join our cause, before the dark side takes them.

Everyone has been busy every since, going out of their way to help the order I'm whatever is necessary.
But even though we're busy, we'll be
still having our date.

It's going to be in three days,
and I swear that I already feel nervous.

I hope you didn't think of me in a bad way after I kissed you, I don't know what took over me, but I'm glad it did.
I had waited to do that for years.

Any way, I hope you're feeling good
and excited as much as I am for our date. The first of many, I hope.

I should probably sleep, it's going to
be busy tomorrow, and I want to get
the best of the day.

Oh, my love,
please don't let this be just a dream,
let this last. I want this to become our reality, I never wanted something
so much before. A girl can dream
and wish about it, right?

Goodbye Sirius, I'll see you soon.



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