80 | first attack

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𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓻 𝓢𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓾𝓼,

If I wasn't worried before,
now I'm terrified.

People are being terrorized and getting killed more often. People are disappearing and distrusting each other. I'm scared out of my mind.

Today the shop suffer an attack.
I was in the back, thankfully,
but I did hear everything.

Half of the shop was blown up and destroyed. I was horrified and
I froze at first, not believing what
was happening.

But I finally came to my senses
and went to the front of the shop to look
if someone was there, injured.

I found Lyla under a pile of
rubble and I managed to get her out. She had a broken arm and
had concussion.

In all honesty, I was surprise we were alive. I'm not saying it to be mean,
but death eaters are not known to keep their victims alive.
Nonetheless, I'm relieved we're okay.

However, Madam Trin
was nowhere to be found.

I tried to look for her but when
Lyla woke up, she told me what
had happened.

Apparently, Madam Trin's son
made a deal with a man, and that man turn out to be a death eater. Her son
failed to pay in time and had been running from the man. But sadly,
they captured him and they end up getting all his family.

I ended up in St Mungos most part
of the day, staying with Lyla. Her family was going to arrive the tomorrow,
so I made her company the best I could.

But I had to go home,
I was dirty and I needed a shower.

I knew I was going to arrived to
an empty home, because my
parents were in a trip in America,
and Jason lives with her girlfriend.

But when I got home,
you and the rest of our friends were
in my doorstep, waiting.

Everyone came towards me at full
speed and asked me all sorts of questions, asking if I was alright, what had happened, where I was.

I'm okay
I kept repeating,
but no one really believed me.

We all entered the house and Lily
and Marlene went to my room to pick new clothes for me. You and the boys stayed with me in the living room.

You kept looking at me
like I was going to break down
any second, but I wasn't.

Remus had approached me and
was making sure I didn't had any injury, but I assured him I was okay and
that the people in St Mungos already checked me.

Everyone was just so quiet and alert,
I wondered if that was going to be our reactions every time.

I'm scared, yes, because I keep
thinking that it's going to happen
again at any moment, and this time, I might not make it out alive.

The next time will probably be worst.
I'm sure the next attack won't be my first, and probably it won't be my last.

This is why we need to do
something, why I need to do
something to help. And I will.

Goodbye Sirius, I'll see you soon.



Purple Roses ° Sirius Black ✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora