16 | deep down

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𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓻 𝓢𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓾𝓼,

I hope you don't mind me asking,
but don't you get along with
your brother at all?

I knew you didn't talk to him a lot because you don't like to mention
your family, but I didn't know at what extend you didn't like Regulus.

I met him today.

I was coming from the dungeons
after talking with Slughorn when we crash into each other.

He apologized, of course and
picked up all my things even though
I said it was okay. He was really nice and polite.

He looked at my gryffindor scarf for
a couple of seconds but smiled and
then departed, after seeing a
couple of six year boys about to pass us. They said something to him but
he kept walking.

I get really annoyed when people
say mean things about other houses that generalizes everyone.

I don't believe all slytherins are bad,
or that all ravenclaws are know it alls, and I also think hufflepuffs are more than just compassionate, just as not all gryffindors might be brave.

Just because you're in a certain
house it shouldn't define your entire personality.

I have friends from all houses,
I don't know if you remember.
I have Juliet from ranvenclaw, Orpheus from Slytherin and Rose Marie from Hufflepuff. Each of them are different and they are my friends.

I know you don't like slytherins
because of what some of them stand for, but I don't think you should hate your brother.

He was exposed to all sorts of
crazy ideas coming from your parents, and from what told me, he wants to please them, even though what they stand for is wrong.

I don't support any of those horrific methods they do and all those bloody ideas to get pure bloods to run the ministry.

I just hope he can see the light at
the end. I hope he can see that what his parents want him to do is wrong.

I know you love your brother, Sirius. Deep down in your heart, there's something that can't make you hate him. You both are different, and that's okay.

Everything will be okay, I know it.

Goodbye Sirius, I'll see you tomorrow.



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