49 | catch me if you can

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𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓻 𝓢𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓾𝓼,

Sometimes I wonder if what I do
makes sense. I feel like I'm
regretting and overthinking too much.

I'm more careful now, I think.
I just don't want to be hurt, you know? But at the same time, I want to
take risks, be free and wild.
Just be me.

Today was unexpected,
but I couldn't change it for
anything in the world.

I was just planing on staying
inside in the common room for
the rest of the day if it wasn't for you.
I even had picked out a couple
of books to read along with my homework, but you had other plans.

You approached me, scaring me,
of course. I instantly knew it
was you because I could hear your laugh, so sweet, yet so contagies.

I'm sorry, Sammy, did I scared you?
You asked, sitting down next to me.
I rolled my eyes playfully
and shook my head.

I was going to continue my reading,
but you snatch the book out of my hands, making me stare at you.
And let me just say, that I would shamelessly look at you for
the whole day, if I could.

Come on, Sammy, pay attention
to me, but don't be like Moony and hit me with the book
You said closing it and returning the book to me.

I smiled at you, and put
the book in my lap, giving you my full attention. That made you smile and give me a look.

Get up, you have been
here long enough to
become part of the decoration
You said staying up, offering me a hand.

I looked at your hand
and then at you, but I finally took it, feeling your warm. I left the book
in the table and followed you. But what you don't know is that I would follow you anywhere, you don't need to ask.

We walked out of the common room,
still hand in hand. I felt butterflies
in my stomach, and my legs started
to shake. It if wasn't for you being
there, I would have collapsed.

You guided me through the halls,
when we finally arrived at the great lake. The day was cloudy and cold, but that didn't stopped us.

We sat down in the ground,
enjoying the view. My hands were so shake and my heart began
to pound at our close distance.
I didn't know what to do.

are you okay, Sammy?
You asked me after some time.
I looked at you, and you did the same. We were looking at each other's eyes, and I was captivated at how beautiful yours were.

I opened my mouth to answer,
but I didn't. I wanted to say yes,
but it didn't felt right.
It felt like I was lying for some reason. So I just smiled. Anything was better than the truth.

don't lie to me, Samantha
You said quietly, looking at
every inch of my face.
I shook my head and had the bravery
of taking your hand.

I'm not
I whispered.

You kept looking at me,
and I'm sure you didn't believe me,
but you didn't push it either.

I gave you a smile and
squeezed you hand. And I can't lie,
but it felt right. In that moment,
I wasn't thinking of anything else.
The only thing in my mind was you.

You nodded and looked down at our hands. I thought you were
going to let me go, but instead you
interlaced our hands together.

I let out a shaky breath and looked down, but the instant I felt your gaze burning my face, I looked up.

You were closer, more than before.
Each second you were closer and closer, until I could feel your breath colliding with mine.

I could just look at your eyes,
looking for a sign to make this a
mistake or a joke. But I didn't find anything.

You're lips approached my face,
leaving a warm kiss next to my mouth.
I closed my eyes, feeling electricity
ran through my body.

I opened them again
and found you looking at me
with a small smile in your face.
I returned it, feeling dizzy
but at the same time feeling steady.

We stayed like that for some time,
sitting so close to each other that our knees were touching.

What are you doing to me, Sirius?
How can you make me feel so many emotions at once?

If I wasn't a fool for you before,
I am now.

I'm falling deep. I just hope you can
be there and catch me if you can.
Because I don't know if I will be able to on my own.

Oh love,
what are you doing to me?

Goodbye Sirius, I'll see you tomorrow.



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