Chapter 3

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The grand living room echoed with the charged question, "Jadwa, Where've you been?" Baba asked, sat on the sofa right beside Ammi like a masterful detective ready to unravel the case.

Her vision blurred as she sunk onto the carpet in the middle of the huge living room. She couldn't muster the courage to look up at anyone, especially avoiding the weight of her father's gaze.

"Where've you been?" Baba echoed, and she wasn't about to let him repeat himself.

"Baba," she stammered, so she shot a desperate look at Ahmad, hoping he'd take the bullet for her rather than facing her father's wrath.

"Calm down everyone, let me handle this! She left my house with my permission, and I was fully aware of who she left with," Ahmad intervened, but Uncle Nura's muffled voice still made its way through.

"Don't defend Jadwa! She needs a reality check and to be disciplined. Did you not see the photos I showed your old man?" Uncle Nura yelled.

"I'm not protecting Jadwa right now! I'll teach her a lesson, but this yelling won't get us anywhere," Ahmad said, yet Hajiya, her father's elder sister, immediately cut him off.

She cupped her cheeks, scooting closer to Ammi, terrified of the storm about to hit her, courtesy of Uncle Nura.

"Ammi, please," she pleaded, touching her leg.

"Like mother, like daughter! What did I tell you about marrying someone way out of your cultural league, Hafiz? You were warned about tying the knot with that woman, but love blinded you to her glittery charms" Hajiya scolded her dad.

"Adam tried everything to make Jadwa his wife, but she flat-out refused him. Look at the shame she's brought to us now," she added.

"Enough!" Her father thundered. "Don't drag a deceased woman into this, Hajiya.

"And Jadwa," He pointed at her.

"I don't want to speak to her; I've never been more disappointed in any of my kids. You have finished your studies, and I'll give you until the year's end, or I'll arrange your marriage to whomever I please" he sneered, shooting her a disgusted look before storming out.

"Hanan, please talk to Baba. I can't marry her son Adam..." Her voice trembled, and suddenly, a strong hand dragged her, delivering a fierce slap on her cheek, making her face snap to the left.

"You will marry him!" She shut her eyes, bracing for Uncle Nura's next slap, but it never came.

Ahmad saved her, holding his hand, and she swiftly ran behind Ammi, tears streaming down her face.

"I'll never marry him! No one has the right to force me into any marriage, Hajiya! Not you, and certainly not Uncle Nura!" She screamed.

The memories of the day he beat her black and blue for disrespecting her cousin by denying his proposal resurfaced vividly. She unexpectedly had a thing for her while his mother detested hers. She was only 18 when it happened, yet it lingered like a haunting ghost.

"I'm not a child! You despise me and our mother, so why on earth would I marry your son? Why are you on my neck to marry into your family? God forbid! I would rather marry a madman than be your daughter-in-law!" She screamed. All she saw was red. She had always been the one to speak up for her siblings, defending their mother when Dad's family unleashed their nonsense.

Before she could speak again, Ammi dragged her away to her room while her Uncle swore to teach her a lesson next time he sees her.

"Haba Jadwa! I didn't see this coming from you. You know you messed up this time, right?" She asked, and she nodded.

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