Chapter 5

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Relief washed over after talking to her dad. She knew, whatever his decision, he wouldn't force her into marriage. Talking to Abdul wasn't the issue he'd reassured her countless times. But broaching the topic was like navigating a minefield.

She paced her room, the plush rug cool against her bare feet. Sunlight streamed through the window, casting dancing patterns on the wall, a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing within her. Picking up her phone, she scrolled through their recent messages with Abdul. Each playful text, each sweet emoji, seemed to mock her current predicament.

Finally, she made a decision. Hanan, her wise and insightful sister, was her only hope. She drafted a quick text, her fingers trembling slightly

"Ya Hanan, please can you spare some time when you're back? I really need to talk to you."

Clicking send, she threw herself onto the bed, the weight of everything pressing down on her. She scrolled through social media, but the cheerful posts and funny memes failed to distract her. Hours melted away as she waited for Hanan's reply.

Just as despair threatened to engulf her, a notification chimed on her phone. Hanan's quick response, "Of course, Jadu. I'll come to your room when I'm back" filled Jadwa with a flicker of hope.

Jadwa messaged her Friend Maryam out of boredom. Jadwa confided in Maryam about her growing relationship with Abdul, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders. Unknowingly, she drifted off to sleep.

"Jadwa! Jadwa! Wake up! It's past Isha, and you haven't even broken your fast!" Hanan's voice, accompanied by gentle taps on her legs, roused her from sleep.

"What?" Jadwa stammered, confused.

Hanan snapped her fingers. "Have you not been getting enough sleep? I said it's past Isha." She folded her arms.

"Oh, I swear I didn't realize I fell asleep," Jadwa mumbled, rubbing her eyes. "I just got home. There was horrible traffic."

"I'll bring our iftar here. Freshen up and pray before I return" Hanan instructed, exiting the room.

Jadwa sluggishly complied, waiting for Hanan to reappear with two maids carrying a variety of food and drinks.

"Come, let's eat," Hanan said, serving them from the same tray.

They ate in comfortable silence until Hanan spoke. "So, what's up, Jadwa? Is it about Baba? Or is Uncle Nura still bothering you?" she asked, sipping her hot rice pudding.

"No, I actually apologized to Baba yesterday, and it went well. He still implied it would be better if I married early, though" Jadwa sighed.

"He's not entirely wrong, Jadwa. But you were absolutely right to apologize" Hanan countered.

"I know, Ya Hanan. I'm trying trying to move on, but the regret is eating me up."

"It should. In all this, I don't hear you or anyone mentioning AbdulHakeem" Hanan said, raising an eyebrow.

"That's exactly why I needed you. He has no idea what happened. I didn't even tell him I saw Uncle Nura at the restaurant."

JADWA    Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz