Chapter 4

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After reaching Ahmad's house, Zara, Jadwa's immediate younger sister, and Ameerah found themselves immersed in a late-night conversation, weaving through many topics to catch up on the situation and the fast approaching Eid.

Well past midnight, Zara's curiosity cut through the kitchen's quiet ambiance, "When are you going to start working?" Jadwa, her hands rhythmically working on the stove to cook noodles, considered the question.

"Honestly, I have no idea. I just need some rest and time to clear my head, you know?" she replied.

"What are your actual plans?" Zara persisted, her curiosity hanging in the air.

"What plans? I'm just trying to rest for now. I don't really know what I want" Jadwa sighed heavily, a touch of uncertainty in her voice.

"I'm just wondering how I'm going to apologize to Baba. My heart is full of nothing but regrets. I just didn't know things were going to escalate to this" she confessed, vulnerability seeping through her words.

"He's going to come around. Just make sure you are sincere, okay?" Ameerah's comforting words wrapped around the kitchen, offering her solace.

"Yeah, yeah," Jadwa added habanero peppers to the pot and hopped onto the kitchen island.

"By the way, how is Jordan?" she asked, attempting to shift the focus away from her predicament.

"Honestly, it's fine. All our friends miss you, especially your friend Maryam. We visit them a lot too" Zara shared, a touch of nostalgia evident in her voice.

The feeling of reminiscence washed over Jadwa as she thought about her closest friend, Maryam. They had shared the best of times in Jordan.

They continued their late night chat, talking about everything and nothing. Eventually, Zara went to sleep, leaving Jadwa alone with her thoughts. Unable to resist, she reached out to Abdul by calling him.

"Hi, Abdul" she greeted him, the tiredness of the day visible in her voice.

"Hello, darling. How are you?" he responded, his voice gruff from just waking up.

"I am doing well. I came back with Ya Ahmad and got busy" she sighed.

"Mmm, you feel much better, right?" he asked, his concern evident.

"Yes, I do" she chuckled, the simplicity of their conversation lifting her spirits.

"I already miss you" she confessed, her voice purposely sounding cute.

"Baby, you know I miss you more. When are we meeting again?" he asked.

"I'm a little bit busy because It's Ramadan, and I'm going back home completely tomorrow. But I'll make time to meet you, there are a few things I want to discuss as well" she answered honestly.

"Of course, babe. I understand. Whenever you are free, okay? There's no pressure," he reassured in a soft, understanding voice.

"You should go back to sleep. There's work tomorrow" she suggested, the reality of responsibilities tugging at the edges of their conversation.

"Yeah, I sure should" he laughed in his sleepy voice. "I love you so much. You should go to sleep as well."

"I love you too. Alright, alright," she responded, a genuine smile gracing her face as she ended the call.

Jadwa's feelings for AbdulHakeem were growing, a silent acknowledgment that found its way into her heart with every conversation. It felt like each interaction fueled the flame of her affection, his gentleness and attention to detail providing her a sense of reassurance and safety.

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