Chapter 8

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There, seated on a plush couch, was a handsome man with a glint in his eyes– Muhammad.

"Wa'alaikumus Salam" two familiar voices answered, Recognition flickered across her face, her gaze immediately dropped to the man seated comfortably across the room. It was Muhammad Imran.

Jadwa set the tray down with practiced ease, her heart doing a little skip-a-beat. Years of attending family gatherings had drilled social graces into her. A polite smile graced her lips as she greeted Ameerah's brother, "Ina Yini Baban Afrah (good evening, Afrah's dad)."

"Lafiya, Jadwa, how are you? (I am good jadwa) " He asked warmly, gesturing to the seat opposite him.
"Come, come, sit with us."

Jadwa returned the smile, "I've been well, Baban Afrah. How is your wife and the kids?"

He listened to their conversation, but his attention was undeniably drawn to Jadwa. He wished she wasn't so quick to look away, he wanted to fully take in her beauty. He'd seen her laughing earlier outside, but now, under his gaze, she seemed nervous.

The deep blue dress accentuated her curves, and the beautiful Vanilla scent mixed with bakhoor captivated him. He quickly looked away, a touch of self consciousness creeping in. It wasn't his right to stare
"yet" he thought and his gaze dropped to her deep maroon stained hands.

Henna had never held much interest for him, but today, it seemed strangely interesting. His eyes couldn't resist landing on her long, braided hair that cascaded down her back .
Was it just him, or did it seem longer? Perhaps extensions, he mused, though a part of him knew it was all her natural beauty.

Jadwa, noticing his scrutiny, shifted in her seat. She cleared her throat, "Ina yini?" (Good evening)

The way he held his gaze sent a warmth tingling through her, but a flicker of shyness made her look away each time their eyes met.

He blinked, startled out of his reverie. "Lafiya, Jadwa, how are you?" he answered her name rolling of his tongue but his voice a touch too formal.

He cursed himself internally, hoping he hadn't made her uncomfortable he'd seen her laughing freely outside moments ago, but now in his presence, she seemed withdrawn.

"Alhamdulillah, I'm fine" she responded politely.

A small smile played on his lips as he said, "Anyi Sallah Lafiya? (Hope you enjoyed your Eid)

"Alhamdulillah, Barka da Sallah (Happy Eid) " she smiled but before he could respond, his phone chimed. Relief washed over her as he excused himself and stepped outside to answer the call.

Stealing a glance, she noticed him leaning against the doorway, While he answered calls from his remaining relatives wishing him a happy Eid which he responded politely to each of them.

After some minutes he watched her from a small distance, as she looked for the other pair of her heels. She had inexplicably piqued his interest. Her unexpected beauty, her gentle demeanor, and the captivating air around her were a stark contrast to the playful, boisterous girl he remembered from his teenage years.

His phone call ended just as Jadwa bent down to put on her shoes. He couldn't help but notice the intricate anklet adorning her ankle. As if sensing his gaze, she met his eyes, her brows arched in a silent question smelling a blend of the finest cologne and oud emanate from him.

JADWA    Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon