02 • Kaito Momota

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Shuichi studied the lush greenery of the observery center. The jeep pulled to a stop, the car squeaking in protest. Kirigiri pulled the keys from the car, un-buckling herself from the seatbelts grasp. Shuichi copied her movements, un-buckling himself from the cars grasp. He opened the door, quickly hoping out. Kirigiri followed behind him, the car beeping twice as she locked it. Shuichi adjusted his hat, so he could study the area.

If he was correct, he could already be there.

Shuichi slid a glance towards the female detective, only to notice she was waiting for him to move first. A slight touch of red from embarrassment crossed his face as he lowered his hat, before beginning to move forward. Kyoko followed after him, he arms crossing against her chest as she, became aware of their surroundings. Shuichi stopped, metres from the door before suckijng an icy breath in briefly, settling his nerves down slightly. He raised his fist, before unleashing his Fist onto the wood of the door.

The sound echoed through three times per knock he did. He froze, keeping his Fist hanging in the air. Minutes seemed to pass as no one answered the door. He slid an uneasy glance towards Kirigiri, which she replied emotionlessly. She nodded her head forward, edging him to knock again. He glanced back at the door, before raising his fist back further to hit the door harder this time. And as he did, the door slid open and his fist was grabbed before he could hit the person. He jumped out of both surprise and shock, before his glance snapped towards the person.

Her red eyes pierced into his grey bland ones. It was no one other then Maki Harukawa, the ultimate assassin.

"A-Ah.. Maki.."

Pain flared up in his hand- and unluckily, the hand that was nearly broken before. Maki took note of this, her glance sliding towards the fist that was slowly curling out. She let go, muttering a small apology.

"Sorry for what, Saihara~Kun. But what are you doing here?"

Her glance snapped towards the detective behind him.

"Something important, I'm guessing."

Her head cocked to the side ever so slightly, a frown flickering on her face as her hand somewhat slid up the doorway as she leaned against it. She narrowed her eyes further as Shuichi got the memo to 'start talking before I snap your neck.'

"W-Well... Me and Kirigiri~Chan are investigating a case, and information has led us to believe this place will soon be attacked by the di- people were investigating. We need to speak to Kaito Momota. Is he in?"

Shuichi's voice snapped entirely from his usual timid tone, as he turned rather serious. This, always took Kirigiri by surprise. She never expects it to happen, especially someone like him. Maki studied the male detective, emotion seizing to show on her face as she deadpanned. Then, a soft smile flickered on her face.

"There you are, Shuichi. I haven't seen that in a while. Kaito~Kun is in. He's in the laboratory."

Maki moved out of the doorway, her long strands of dark hair shifting after her. The smile instantly disappeared as she moved. Shuichi tipped his hat in thanks as he stepped inside, his shoes tapping against the wooden ground. His glance instantly slid around the area as his eyes investigated anything that seemed out of place. The white walls reached up to the sky, the roof being entirely made out of glass. Small fake stars and planets hanged from the glass, softly spreading a light across the room with the help of the sun. Plants and pictures of various things hanged up on the white walls, giving the room a rather happy vibe. Kirigiri followed in after him, her boots tapping against the ground.

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