010 • Murder

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Ahem- Just a warning. There will be heavy gore in this chapter. I don't think I need to warn you if you've played/watched danganronpa.~

How many times could Shuichi get beaten up in the span of a week? He didn't know- nor did he wanted to find out. But things weren't going his way, really. Closing the door behind him- Kaede had left. He didn't drive there- he had taken the bus because his car was out of fuel, so he didn't need to worry about his car getting stolen or anything. Puffing out a breath, he moved to the open kitchen, his hand gripping the fridge's handle. While his food cooked- he had planned to take a shower to get rid of the stench of Panta against his skin and clothes. As he thought of Panta- his mind wondered to why he had accepted it. He knew why- but he kept on asking himself the question. Kirigiri was bound to figure it out- and he couldn't let that happen, especially, if his families life was on the line, which he doubt heavily but it's better to be safe then sorry. Kirigiri was a impressive detective- he just needed to act normal, and hope for the best. The same night he had threatened him, If he didn't accept it, there would be a hole in his head. But, he knew that was a lie. He didn't seem like to be the type of person who would commit a unclean able murder. The music would have covered up the sound of the shot, and even if people did hear it they would pass it off as one of the beats. Then, he couldn't drag his body anywhere. People lurked the hallways, and outside, so he couldn't simply drop it off the balcony. Maybe, he would have left his body there to rot until they found it, a week old on the balcony with a hole in its head. What would have happened if he had said no? Shuichi shook his head, clearing his mind of the questions he knew he couldn't have answered. Bringing out nothing but chicken strips- he preheated the oven while he was setting up. He had lost his appetite a while back, sadly. Placing the metal tray into the oven, he moved into his bathroom room. Undressing as he let the water run(taro), he eventually got into the shower after fidgeting with the tap until he got the perfect temperature, which took around ten minutes. Why was he so close to him? Maybe that was just to numb his brain. That's it- nothing to it. Turning off the water, the cold chill from the fan running to get rid of the steam from the shower, ran over his bare skin. Changing clothes quickly, he shifted into the open kitchen, the oven's light flickering gently as he turned it on to check the food in it. The chicken strips seemed ready- so with care, He put the oven mittens on his hands and pulled out the metal tray. Using his foot to close the oven door, he turned the oven itself off. Then- his phone rang from the living room. Using his teeth to pull off one of the mittens, he moved into the room. Picking up the phone with unease, he picked up the call.

"Hello? Shuichi speaking." He asked into the phone, moving back into the kitchen to put the chicken strips onto a plate he had pre-set onto the bench. "Shuichi, we need you in the department. As soon as you can." Kirigiri's calm voice replied to him. That- only built up his unease. "Kyoko? What happened?" Shuichi asked, his eyebrows raising in concern. She wouldn't call up for nothing- so something must have happened. Something bad. His mind wondered off - back to Kokichi. Did he do something? "There's been a murder, Shuichi. Come in when you can." She cut off the line, as Shuichi was about to reply. He gave out a sigh, looking down at the chicken strips. Picking up one, he glad wrapped them and left them on the bench. Putting the phone back, he moved out without his keys. His car was still out of fuel, so he had to take the bus and walk. Running a hand through his hair, narrowly missing his ahoge, He began to shift through the streets. Making sure he had his wallet, he had gotten on the bus. But- the entire time Shuichi had the feeling he was being watched- followed, even. But it wasn't a presence that he knew, he had known that. Every time he looked around no one stood out from the crowd.


Shuichi entered the Department, his glance moving around the area in search of Kirigiri. Instead of the purple haired detective, he was greeted by the brown haired rookie. "Saihara~Senpai!" Akiyama waved with a large grin, her eyes sparkling brightly. Shuichi glanced over to her, before softly waving. "Akiyama... Hello." He greeted her back as her head tilted in confusion. "What happened to your hat, Saihara~Senpai?" She asked, her eyes lighting up curiously. Shuichi reached for his head- realising he didn't have his hat. It must have still been at Kaito's place. "I.. Forgot it at a friends house." Shuichi replied, moving towards the desk. She leaned forward, poking the side of his face where the bandage remained. "And your face? What happened to your faace~?" She asked further, her smile remaining on her pale features. Shuichi glanced away, puffing out a breath. "I.. was-" "-Akiyama. What have I told you time and time again?" The cold voice- similar to last time cut through the room. Akiyama glance dover, jumping halve a foot in the air in fright, "K-Kirigiri~Sensei! I'm so sorry!" Akiyama bowed down continuously, saying 'sorry' repeatedly. Kirigiri sighed, before nodding to Shuichi. "Shuichi. Good to see you. I hope you've been well, and I see that you're hat-less." Kirigiri greeted him, before walking past him. "Y-Yea-" "-DId something happen? What happened? Tell me Tell me Tell me! Can I come?" Akiyama bubbled out cutting Shuichi off, her eyes sparkling brightly against the soft beams of the sun. Kirigiri silenced her with one look, causing her to slump down in her chair. Kirgiri lead him out to the parked car, hopping into the drivers seat. Will he ever get to drive? The answer is probably no. Buckling himself into the passenger seat, Kirigiri moved the car, flicking on the sirens to cut through the streets quickly to get to-

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